Going through a divorce is stressful for so many reasons. From figuring out how to divide marital assets to coming up with child custody agreements, divorcing couples face their fair share of stressors.
The stress doesn’t end once a divorce is final, either. Filing taxes after a divorce can create a new wave of stress and make you wonder, “Is this ever going to end?”
Discover more about this process to minimize your stress levels.
Choosing the Right Filing Status
When filing taxes after a divorce, one of the first things you must do is select your filing status. It can throw you for a loop immediately.
If you have finalized a divorce, you might automatically assume you should file taxes as a single person or a head of household if you qualify. However, this is only sometimes the case.
Your filing status on the last day of the previous year determines your status. So, if you were still legally married on December 31 of last year, you’ll have to set your filing status as:
- Married filing jointly
- Married filing separately
You might also be able to file as a head of household if you meet specific requirements.
Ideally, you and your ex-spouse should have a plan for filing taxes following your divorce if you must file them together. Include this plan in your divorce agreement to avoid miscommunications.
You should also remember to use the Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Withholding Estimator to change the amount of money you withhold from your paychecks to cover taxes. This will account for taxable income adjustments when filing taxes after a divorce.
Claiming Dependents Properly
When you and your former partner were married, you could both claim the children you share as dependents. Once you’re divorced, this isn’t an option.
In your divorce agreement, you and your ex hopefully decided who is going to claim each child for tax purposes. Sometimes the parent who has primary custody of the children will claim them as dependents, giving them access to the Child Tax Credit. In other instances, parents create complicated schedules that switch year to year, or sometimes, in cases of multiple children, each parent claims a child (or two). Whatever you decide, you must follow your agreements.
In some rare instances, divorced parents might qualify for dependency exemptions that allow them both to claim children when filing taxes. Speak with a tax professional if this is a possibility.
Taking Other Factors Into Account
A couple will go their separate ways at the end of a divorce, but before doing so, they will divide their marital assets and iron out issues like child support and alimony. One spouse might also be required to provide a portion of their retirement plan balance to the other spouse under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO).
In these cases, child support and alimony tax implications are usually present. Property division taxation issues might also pop up. Those who receive payments under a QDRO might also face substantial tax bills.
Enlist the services of a reputable divorce attorney to help you make sense of a stressful situation.
Still Confused About Filing Taxes After a Divorce? Give Us a Call
Filing taxes after a divorce might make you relive the stress of separating from your ex-spouse. If you have questions about proceeding, don’t hesitate to call Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for assistance.
Contact us at (866) 311-6082 today.
Is Your Spouse Snooping on You?
DivorceIs your spouse snooping on you? Maybe you caught them surreptitiously handling your phone or noticed they always seem to know when you step outside. If your marriage is under tremendous strain, your spouse has threatened divorce, or you have talked about separating, it is critical that you protect your privacy.
Spying on one’s partner is a serious violation of boundaries, especially if your marriage is already under strain. Learn how to tell whether your spouse is keeping you under surveillance and how you can shield your privacy.
Why Would Your Spouse Spy on You?
People may spy on their significant other for many reasons, like jealousy, lack of trust, or obsessive control. When a marriage is nearing its end, it’s not uncommon for one partner to spy on another to try to uncover something they could use as leverage in divorce proceedings.
For example, adultery can serve as grounds for a fault-based divorce in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Your spouse may harness advanced technology or physically stalk you to try and prove you’ve been cheating and use the evidence to their advantage, such as by asking the court to order less alimony.
Your spouse could also decide to monitor your financial activities, including whether you’re taking funds out of a joint account or purchasing a major asset.
Above all, snooping and stalking is a toxic power dynamic. Knowing you’re under constant surveillance can make you feel helpless, trapped, and afraid.
How To Know Your Spouse Is Snooping on You
Determining whether your spouse is snooping on you can be difficult. The following signs may hint that you’re the target of your partner’s unethical spying:
Protect Your Private Information and Legal Rights
If you suspect your spouse is snooping on you, change all your phone, tablet, and computer passcodes and enable logins for all apps. At the very least, this may prevent them from continuing this behavior while you figure out the next steps.
Disable location data so your spouse can’t track you. Take your phone to a cybersecurity professional to screen it for concealed surveillance apps and check your car for hidden GPS devices.
Before confronting your spouse, talk to a lawyer and discuss your options. Using illegal means to spy on someone, even one’s spouse, could carry serious legal consequences. Moreover, any information gathered this way would likely be inadmissible as evidence in court proceedings.
Call Us If You’re Facing Divorce and Suspect Your Spouse Is Spying on You
Is your spouse snooping on you? This is an unsettling notion, particularly if you’re planning a divorce and suspect your spouse is trying to uncover sensitive information that could harm your interests. Contact us at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., to find out how you can protect your rights and defend your private data. Book a consultation today.
Protecting Your Relationship With Your Child During and After Your Divorce
DivorceAs a parent, you may naturally worry about how divorce will impact your relationship with your children. Separation is a time of emotional upheaval for everybody, including your children, who face the loss of the family unit as they know it.
The prospect of divorce may make children feel confused, anxious, or angry. Any associated changes, like relocation or changing schools, could add to the stress. The tips below will help nurture your relationship with your child throughout and after divorce.
Help Your Child Process the Situation
Your child may struggle to understand or accept the end of your marriage. They may wonder how the family will function from now on, how holidays and birthdays will work, or whether they’ll have to leave their home and friends.
Sit with your child and explain what’s happening in a calm, reassuring, and age-appropriate way. For young children, hearing that the divorce is nobody’s fault and that both parents will always be there for them may be enough. Teens may appreciate more eye-to-eye communication and stronger involvement in their living or schooling arrangements.
However, no matter how old your children are, avoid over-sharing details about the legal proceedings, property division, or alimony. Simply assure your child that you and their other parent will arrange all practical matters.
Make Time for Your Children
During divorce proceedings, it’s easy to become caught up in practical arrangements like gathering documentation or looking for a new place to live. It’s important to stay present for your children, not just in taking care of their physical needs, but as a parent who still makes time for fun.
Take your child out to the park, arrange a movie night, or do other meaningful activities that show your child that spending time with them is high on your priority list.
Work Together With Your Co-Parent
Divorce is a time when emotions run high and disputes flare up. The entire process will be much less stressful if you and your soon-to-be-ex agree on a parenting plan that covers all essentials, like with whom the child will primarily live and how you’ll split vacation time.
Your child will fare much better emotionally if you present a stable and united front as co-parents. Always speak respectfully about your child’s other parent and avoid making your child feel like they must choose sides. Professional mediation can help you both bridge any differences with your ex.
Of course, amicable co-parenting might be challenging if your soon-to-be-ex deliberately tries to alienate your child against you or uses custody as a bargaining chip. Consult a skilled family lawyer if you’re divorcing a narcissist or another high-conflict personality type.
Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C.: Helping You Navigate Divorce and Custody in NJ and PA
Are you concerned about how family dynamics might affect your children before, during, and after divorce? Our skilled and empathetic family law team at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., can help you work out a parenting plan that minimizes conflict and protects relationships. Schedule a consultation today.
Why We Seal Divorce Documents in Bucks County
DivorceBy default, divorce court records are available to the public. Thus, theoretically, anyone can browse the record of your divorce proceedings and access the contents of your divorce petition, court orders, asset division decisions, and custody agreements.
Although courts often restrict public access to sensitive details like Social Security numbers or minor children’s identities, divorce records can still compromise your privacy. However, there’s a solution: asking the court to seal those records. Learn why we seal divorce documents and how to request this type of legal protection.
Why Seal Divorce Records?
You may wish to keep the records of your divorce proceedings private for many reasons. For instance, maybe:
When Would a Court Agree To Seal Divorce Records?
Divorce records and other court records are public to ensure transparency in the judicial system. When you look at why we seal divorce documents, you may encounter different scenarios, but all have something in common: The potential harm from revealing the information overshadows the public’s right to know.
For example, if you or your spouse are well known in your community and your divorce would attract public scrutiny, you may request the court to seal records to avoid unwanted attention or identity theft.
If you own a business and your divorce records mention proprietary information, you could ask to remove these details from public records to protect your company. However, concerns about general privacy or embarrassment usually aren’t enough to seal records.
How To Request a Divorce Record Seal
To have your divorce records sealed, your attorney would need to file a motion and give compelling reasons for keeping this particular information private. You’d have to show that your employment, reputation, or physical safety may suffer unless the court seals the records.
This request must be as specific as possible. Courts rarely agree to seal the entire divorce record. You’ll have a better chance of approval if you ask that certain sensitive details from public records, such as family members’ names and addresses or child support amounts, be removed. It’s important to work with a seasoned divorce attorney who knows how to phrase a request for sealing court records.
Once the court accepts your request, your divorce attorney will check that any relevant records have been sealed within the next few days.
Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., Can Help Protect Your Privacy During Divorce
Are you concerned about confidentiality during divorce proceedings? Call us at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. We will explain why we seal divorce documents and help you keep sensitive information private. Book a consultation today.
Should You File for Divorce First?
DivorceIf your marriage is nearing its end, should you file for divorce first? Does it matter who initiates the divorce process here in Bucks County? It may, but this doesn’t mean you should rush to file when you aren’t ready. An experienced divorce lawyer can help you work out an individually tailored legal strategy for this challenging time.
Does It Matter Who Files for Divorce?
In many cases, filing for divorce first can give you an advantage, both throughout the divorce process and in its financial and emotional outcome. First, you’ll have your pick of local divorce attorneys. A divorce lawyer can’t represent both sides in a divorce due to a conflict of interest, so whatever legal professional your spouse has already talked to would be off-limits to you.
Initiating the divorce can also help with financial planning. For example, if you’ve been a stay-at-home parent throughout your married life, you may be financially vulnerable and need, not just more time, but to control the start of the process.
Taking a proactive approach to the divorce process could give you enough time to collect all your financial information (like savings and retirement accounts) and possibly prevent your spouse from siphoning joint funds. You could start separating your finances from your spouse’s and look into insurance plans if you have relied on your spouse’s insurance until now.
Finally, strategically timing the divorce could help you prepare mentally and emotionally. You could begin helping your children process the upcoming shift, start building a supportive social network, and plan for changes like leaving your home, relocating, enrolling your children in different schools, or starting a new job.
Potential Drawbacks of Filing First
“Should you file for divorce first?” may have a different answer if you aren’t sure you want to end your marriage right now, even if you know it’s falling apart. For example, maybe you’re dealing with health issues or have other considerations that might make you decide to delay divorce if possible.
You should also consider family dynamics, such as how your spouse may react to your filing for divorce. If possible, you should try to avoid a hostile escalation that will make any negotiations difficult.
Finally, ending a marriage costs money, so you may have to plan ahead to make sure you can afford a divorce.
Uncontested Divorce in NJ and PA
An uncontested divorce is a friendlier and less stressful alternative to filing first or waiting for your spouse to take this step.
In this scenario, you and your spouse sit down to agree on important matters like property division, spousal support, and child custody. When you finalize your divorce settlement agreement, you’ll file a joint petition for divorce.
If both sides are willing to work together and compromise, an uncontested divorce can save a lot of time and prevent conflicts. Just make sure to consult a divorce lawyer first to ensure you sign a fair and reasonable agreement.
Considering Divorce? Call Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C.
If you are wondering, “Should you file for divorce first?” contact the legal team at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. Our skilled and empathetic team will protect your interests and help you navigate divorce with minimum stress. Book a consultation today.
Divorce in the Digital Age
DivorceDivorce in the digital age comes with a range of unique challenges compared to just 20 years ago. While your spouse may have physically moved out of the shared home, your online activities and assets remain intermingled.
You may be ready to move on from your spouse, yet they continue to use and monitor shared online accounts. Worse, you may be unaware of their behavior.
The right strategies can help protect your assets, privacy, and peace of mind.
Change Passwords As Soon As Possible
You and your spouse probably learned each other’s passwords during the marriage. Even if you do not think your spouse knows your login information for online accounts, change all passwords as soon as possible. This prevents them from logging into accounts without your knowledge — or worse, stealing assets from financial accounts.
Check all accounts for suspicious activity and change passwords promptly:
Scan Your Computer for Keylogger Software
Online privacy protection proves crucial in a volatile divorce. Scan your devices for keylogger software, which could tell your spouse your new passwords and clue them into other sensitive information. Antivirus software can help you identify keyloggers.
Additionally, clear your browsing history regularly in case your spouse gains access to your activity.
Be Aware of Pennsylvania’s Digital Asset Division Protocols
Divorce in the digital age also requires you to separate digital assets. Any digital assets you and/or your spouse acquired during the marriage will be subject to equitable distribution, according to Pennsylvania’s marital property classification. These may include:
You may need to seek a cryptocurrency valuation or consult a professional to understand the value of certain digital assets.
Unlink Auto Storage on All Accounts
Digital photos and videos are part of the shared assets you and your spouse need to deal with during the divorce. In the meantime, turn off auto storage on photo apps to prevent new photos from uploading into a shared account. Your spouse could use photos as electronic evidence against you in the divorce.
Create a New Email Address
One of the easiest digital security measures to take is creating a new email address to link to all important accounts — including social media. If your spouse still has access to your previous email account, they can use it to enter sensitive online accounts. Change your email and turn on two-factor authentication to further protect your online privacy.
Be Vigilant About Tracking Devices
Finally, watch out for your spouse’s use of tracking devices such as Air Tags to follow your movements. Using these devices to stalk others is illegal, but you need to find them before any legal action can occur.
Turn to Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for Divorce Assistance
A seasoned divorce attorney can help you navigate the complexities of divorce in the digital age while protecting your rights and privacy. Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., is here for you; contact us today at (866) 311-6082 for a confidential consultation.
Navigating a High Assets Divorce
DivorceFairly dividing assets and property can be one of the more emotionally and logistically challenging aspects of divorce. But the process becomes even more cumbersome when you and your spouse share significant, complex, high-value assets.
Navigating a high assets divorce involves careful planning and the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney.
Types of Assets To Consider in Your Divorce
When the average couple divorces, they may need to consider how they will split the family home, bank accounts, and shared vehicles. However, dividing assets in a high assets divorce adds another layer of complexity. You and your spouse may also need to divide any of the following:
One of the first steps in the asset distribution process involves creating an inventory of all assets, both separate and marital. For items without clear value, such as artwork or jewelry, seek asset valuation to determine their worth.
Understanding Pennsylvania’s Equitable Distribution Policy
Pennsylvania, along with 41 other states, follows an equitable distribution policy for divorce. Rather than splitting assets exactly down the middle, the court attempts to divide marital assets in a method that would be reasonably fair. Many factors may impact how the court decides to divide your property, such as:
Pennsylvania’s Marital Property Classification
In Pennsylvania, all property acquired by either spouse during the marriage is considered marital property and subject to equitable distribution. Marital property also includes any increase in the value of non-marital property.
Non-marital property includes assets acquired before the marriage and property excluded through a valid agreement of both parties.
Avoiding Pitfalls in a High Assets Divorce
Be aware of a few potential pitfalls within your high assets divorce.
First, you may face tax implications if you do not split assets according to equitable distribution procedures. These might include:
Financial professional involvement is key to reducing your tax burden when transferring assets. This is especially important for high-net-worth divorces involving complex assets and problems like business ownership division.
Additionally, be wary of your spouse potentially hiding money or assets during the divorce process. Assets can easily become lost or overlooked in high-net-worth divorces. Do your due diligence to thoroughly inventory all property, accounts, and other assets, and alert your attorney if you think your spouse is hiding assets.
Consult Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for High Assets Divorce
If you need help effectively navigating a high assets divorce in Pennsylvania, Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., is here for you. Our compassionate, knowledgeable attorneys have helped countless high-net-worth clients protect their assets and avoid financial complications during divorce.
Contact us today at (866) 311-6082 to schedule a confidential consultation.
Filing Taxes After a Divorce
DivorceGoing through a divorce is stressful for so many reasons. From figuring out how to divide marital assets to coming up with child custody agreements, divorcing couples face their fair share of stressors.
The stress doesn’t end once a divorce is final, either. Filing taxes after a divorce can create a new wave of stress and make you wonder, “Is this ever going to end?”
Discover more about this process to minimize your stress levels.
Choosing the Right Filing Status
When filing taxes after a divorce, one of the first things you must do is select your filing status. It can throw you for a loop immediately.
If you have finalized a divorce, you might automatically assume you should file taxes as a single person or a head of household if you qualify. However, this is only sometimes the case.
Your filing status on the last day of the previous year determines your status. So, if you were still legally married on December 31 of last year, you’ll have to set your filing status as:
You might also be able to file as a head of household if you meet specific requirements.
Ideally, you and your ex-spouse should have a plan for filing taxes following your divorce if you must file them together. Include this plan in your divorce agreement to avoid miscommunications.
You should also remember to use the Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Withholding Estimator to change the amount of money you withhold from your paychecks to cover taxes. This will account for taxable income adjustments when filing taxes after a divorce.
Claiming Dependents Properly
When you and your former partner were married, you could both claim the children you share as dependents. Once you’re divorced, this isn’t an option.
In your divorce agreement, you and your ex hopefully decided who is going to claim each child for tax purposes. Sometimes the parent who has primary custody of the children will claim them as dependents, giving them access to the Child Tax Credit. In other instances, parents create complicated schedules that switch year to year, or sometimes, in cases of multiple children, each parent claims a child (or two). Whatever you decide, you must follow your agreements.
In some rare instances, divorced parents might qualify for dependency exemptions that allow them both to claim children when filing taxes. Speak with a tax professional if this is a possibility.
Taking Other Factors Into Account
A couple will go their separate ways at the end of a divorce, but before doing so, they will divide their marital assets and iron out issues like child support and alimony. One spouse might also be required to provide a portion of their retirement plan balance to the other spouse under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO).
In these cases, child support and alimony tax implications are usually present. Property division taxation issues might also pop up. Those who receive payments under a QDRO might also face substantial tax bills.
Enlist the services of a reputable divorce attorney to help you make sense of a stressful situation.
Still Confused About Filing Taxes After a Divorce? Give Us a Call
Filing taxes after a divorce might make you relive the stress of separating from your ex-spouse. If you have questions about proceeding, don’t hesitate to call Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for assistance.
Contact us at (866) 311-6082 today.
Prenups and Alimony: What You Need To Know
AlimonyMore Americans are open to signing prenuptial agreements than ever before.
A 2023 Harris Poll revealed a surprising statistic: About half of adults would consider signing prenups if their partners asked.
Will you and your soon-to-be spouse sign one? Before you enter into an agreement, learn about some key factors pertaining to prenups and alimony here.
Featuring Alimony Provisions in Prenups
Technically, couples on the verge of marriage don’t have to include alimony provisions in their prenups. They can sign spousal support waivers that rule out the possibility of alimony if the couple divorces.
However, it is almost always a bad idea to do this. Even if you’re in a fantastic financial position right now, you can never know whether that will still be the case in the future.
You might decide to quit a well-paying job to become a stay-at-home parent. Or, your spouse may work their way up the ranks to become the CEO in a decade.
In these cases, you and/or your spouse might wish you had created a prenup that included alimony. Do it from the beginning to avoid regretting not doing it later.
Considering the Right Factors When Including Alimony Provisions in Prenups
Couples should not simply include standard alimony provisions in prenups. They should put serious thought into prenups and alimony and generate provisions customized for their relationships.
As you and your significant other put together a prenup, keep these factors in mind:
A prenup isn’t designed to put either spouse in poverty in the event of a divorce. Instead, it’s a tool couples can use to ensure they’re both still able to meet their financial obligations if they choose to go their separate ways.
Ensuring Prenups and Alimony Provisions Are Enforceable
Prenuptial agreement enforceability is another factor that should weigh heavily on your mind when creating a prenup. Make sure you create a legally binding document with assistance from an attorney with extensive experience developing prenups.
This lawyer can help cover all your bases while creating a prenup with alimony provisions. They can also explain other aspects outside of alimony provisions, such as marital property rights.
Contact Our Law Firm To Begin Piecing Together a Prenuptial Agreement
At Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., we firmly believe prenups and alimony should go hand in hand. If you’re planning a wedding and open to piecing together a prenup, we would love to help you do it.
We can make the premarital agreement process more manageable and ensure your prenup is enforceable should you need to rely on it in divorce court. We can also clarify any confusion about prenups by discussing their purpose further and addressing pressing questions and concerns.
Call us at (866) 311-6082 today to speak with a trusted attorney.
File First or Negotiate First?
DivorceAfter coming to terms with a divorce, the next part of the process is the negotiation stage. You may find yourself preparing mentally by asking questions as you try to determine a proper course of action. One critical part of this process is the initial filing. If you’re wondering, “Should I file or negotiate first?” you’re not alone. This question looms over many divorcees as they anticipate how the process will play out. Considering the psychological and legal ramifications will help you understand the advantages of filing first.
You’ve Reached an Agreement, Now What?
If you’ve reached an agreement with your spouse, congratulations. You’ve arrived at the first step of the divorce process: filing the divorce petition. So, should you file or negotiate first? There are myriad psychological benefits to consider. The planning stages provide you with a strong foundation to move forward with purpose. You may also experience an immediate surge of confidence when you file first. Taking this huge step in your divorce proceedings is liberating and can strengthen your resolve.
Legal Strategy and Psychological Benefits
The phrase, “strike while the iron’s hot,” rings true when considering the benefits of filing first. This decision is an important part of your strategy, allowing you to take matters into your own hands and proceed with fortitude and determination. In this case, your opponent is your spouse, and like a good game of chess, catching them off guard will only serve to your advantage. After all, you’ve already prepped with careful planning, making certain your financial and other legal concerns are in order. You’ve likely spoken with a qualified alimony attorney to help you understand the mediation process. Throughout your divorce proceedings, your attorney will help you properly negotiate to your benefit, giving you an even greater edge.
The next consideration for whether or not you should file first is thinking about the opportunity it will give you to fortify your assets. You and your partner’s shared assets must be legally separated, including all physical assets and joint personal finances. In this instance, seeking legal advice ahead of the filing will help you protect yourself and adequately set you up financially for life after divorce.
Why You Should Consider Filing First
Now that you’ve pondered, “Should I file or negotiate first?” the decision depends on your unique situation. Preparing for this critical step by conferring with legal counsel will help you navigate the timing, present you with options, and prepare you for your next stage in life. When you take the step to file first, you’re making a power move. By taking control of the process before your spouse does, you may secure benefits that you might not gain otherwise.
Book a Consultation Today
A consultation with Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., can help you protect your rights and determine an appropriate course of action if you’re questioning whether you should file or negotiate first. Our team of family practice attorneys serves Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We’re dedicated to providing solutions to our clients. Book your free consultation today, or contact us at (866) 349-4117.
The Role of Experts in Child Custody Cases
Child CustodyFollowing filing a child custody case, the court has limited information about the case, which often leaves parents feeling confused and unsettled. A judge’s knowledge only extends as far as the custody disagreement. It then becomes the court’s responsibility to thoroughly review all case-related information to determine the proper course of action. They accomplish this task with the assistance of court-assigned experts. These court appointees serve different roles and administer three types of evaluations: custody, psychological, and parental fitness.
The Role of Experts in Administering Evaluations
Input from experts who serve as critical evaluators in child custody cases helps the court navigate the case’s complexities. These valuable professionals include psychologists and counselors; they are responsible for determining which parent is suitable as the child’s primary custodian. In addition, they also make recommendations regarding which parent should have the right to make decisions and whether the judge should award joint custody.
Three Types of Evaluations
Three types of evaluations administered by court-appointed experts are critical in child custody cases.
1. Custody Evaluations
In child custody evaluations, court-appointed experts address the parents’ child-rearing capabilities, as noted by the American Psychological Association (APA). When psychologists work alongside other mental health professionals, like counselors, the counselors often serve as mediators. Next, the psychologists administer psychological testing to both parents so the court can determine each parent’s child-rearing style. The tests assess both parents’ temperaments, character, and cognitive abilities. The purpose of the testing process is to determine whether the parents are psychologically competent to foster the child’s continued growth and development.
2. Psychological Evaluations
During a child custody case, psychological evaluations are also essential tools; they help court experts determine undiagnosed mental health issues and other problems that might impact the legal outcome. Psychological evaluations give the court insight into whether the parent is mentally fit enough to care for the child. If the mental issues are severe, these parents are typically not awarded custody.
3. Parental Fitness Evaluations
In rare cases, experts recommend parental fitness evaluations to assist the court in determining whether a parent-child relationship is appropriate. These evaluations are typical in situations involving child abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse. In these cases, expert witnesses help decide what the child needs. For example, following a parental fitness evaluation, the court-appointed psychologist determines whether a parent should be allowed supervised visitation with their child.
Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. Can Help
Each child custody expert is essential in cases where parents are at odds over who should care for their children. Using thorough evaluations, they provide unbiased testimonies to help the court make informed decisions. Ultimately, their work assists the judge in determining the familial arrangement that best serves the child’s interests.
If you have questions about your child custody case, contact Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. today. Our experienced team of attorneys is highly qualified to walk you through the complexities of your legal casework to support your child’s well-being. Call or text us at (866) 349-4117. You can also book a free consultation by filling out our online form.