Guardianship refers to the authority to make decisions on behalf of an adult individual who has been deemed incapacitated by the court. The standard for incapacity involves an analysis of whether the individual can manage their financial resources and/or meet essential requirements for their own health and safety. The first step for a party interested in pursuing guardianship of someone is to file a petition with the court. It will be necessary to secure expert testimony regarding the extent of the incapacity and the potential necessity for a guardian. The Petitioner has the burden to prove incapacity by clear and convincing evidence. Notice of the hearing and a copy of the petition must be served on the individual for whom guardianship is sought (Respondent) explaining in plain language the possible ramifications of the forthcoming legal proceedings. Notice must also be given to additional interested parties such as family members.

Following the hearing the court must determine if guardianship is appropriate. First, the court must designate if it is limited guardianship or plenary guardianship. Limited guardianship is appropriate where the Respondent is not totally incapacitated. In this case, the court must delineate what powers the Petitioner will have. The court must also indicate the duration of the guardianship. The appointed guardian must act for the best interests of the Respondent and file a report each year with the court regarding the ongoing care of the Respondent. The Respondent or any other interested party can petition the court to modify or terminate the guardianship if circumstances change or if the appointed guardian is not acting appropriately.

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Former military members may be eligible to receive a number of different veterans benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Possible benefits include disability compensation, pension benefits, life insurance, educational benefits and more. The former service member may also be entitled to additional benefits for dependents. Where the service member is also responsible for paying child support, certain benefits can be garnished to ensure the support obligation is met. The first step is to correctly categorize the benefit to determine if it is subject to garnishment. The second step is establishing a need on the part of the party seeking support and other dependents as well as a failure by the veteran to supply the need. Thirdly, the VA must be assured that there will not be an undue hardship on the veteran as a result of the garnishment.

Procedurally, the party seeking the garnishment must apply for an apportionment. The form asks for information on the total income, sources of income, and expenses for the veteran as well as the custodial parent. The VA will review the request for apportionment and determine if it is appropriate. In either event a formal decision will be rendered. The final decision can be appealed to the Board of Veterans’ Appeals. The state child support agency will need to be involved with apportionment requests. Copies of the current support order and records of any arrears owed and former payment history will need to be supplied to the VA to review as evidence when making its determination on whether garnishment is appropriate and a reasonable amount to be garnished.

Click here to read more on child support.

Many custody orders will provide whether the parties are entitled to vacation time with the children in addition to their regularly scheduled time as well as any relevant notice provisions. A standard provision includes at least thirty days advance notice to the other parent and all details of the itinerary/contact information for the children while away. Parties may want to consider going into additional detail about any restraints on travel, particularly out of state or out of country. It’s good practice to provide that international travel may only be by written consent of both parties or court order. Parties should pay attention to which country the other parent intends to travel to and whether that country belongs to the Hague Convention on Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction and would recognize a U.S. custody order if necessary.

Every person, regardless of age, must have a passport to travel out of the country. Initial passport applications for children under sixteen (16) years of age must be made in person. Both parents of the child should be present. If one of the parents cannot be physically present, they may complete a parental consent form instead. This form must be notarized and a copy of the parent’s ID must accompany the form. There are exceptions to the requirement of the consent of both parents including court order or proof of sole custody. Additionally, there is an application to obtain passport without the other parent on the basis of exigent circumstances and the unavailability of the other parent. You can visit the U.S. Department of State website for additional details on the requirements to obtain a passport at

Click here to read more on child custody.

A short sale is an alternative to foreclosure. The lender allows the home to be sold for less than what is owed on the mortgage. It is usually less of a loss for the lender to allow a short sale than to let the home go into foreclosure. Once a home goes into foreclosure the lender loses even more money on a monthly basis providing for the upkeep of the home and paying the taxes. Additionally, it is less of a hit on the credit of the seller to go through with a short sale over a foreclosure. A seller should try to negotiate with the lender to minimize damage to their credit rating as part of the sale agreement. To be eligible for a short sale, the seller must be behind on payments due to financial hardship. Proof of this hardship must be established by supplying tax returns, pay stubs, bank statements and list of monthly expenses. A short sale is not likely to occur if the seller is already in bankruptcy as a short sale is considered a prohibited collection activity.

The short sale process moves most quickly if it is pre-approved by the lender for a certain amount although this is not usually the case. It is a good idea to work with a real estate agent or attorney to help negotiate the short sale process between the lender and potential buyer and ensure a timely sale. The short sale process becomes more complicated if there is more than one lender. Second mortgages or home equity lines can muddy the short sale process especially since secondary lenders stand to take the biggest loss on a short sale and all the lenders need to be in agreement with the terms for sale. Buyers stand to gain the property at a discount through a short sale but should exercise caution and do thorough research on the prospective property. All parties should be prepared to be patient with the short sale process and seek guidance/representation by an expert in the area.

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