Inventory of Estate
An inventory must be filed with the court in the course of administering an estate. This task would be the responsibility of the executor or administrator of the estate. The inventory should identify all probate assets of the decedent at the time of death. This may require some investigation by the executor/administrator. Ideally, the decedent would keep a list of all assets and debts along with their will. They make go a step further and include user name and passwords for their accounts along with this list since a majority of account maintenance and monitoring now happens electronically. If there is not a list provided, a good starting point is to monitor the decedent’s mail for evidence of statements for accounts.
The inventory filed with the court should include the value of the assets listed as of the decedent’s death. You can contact the respective institutions to request a date of death balance if not otherwise ascertainable by the statements available. The inventory is to be filed with the court within nine (9) months from the date of death unless an extension is granted. If additional assets are discovered after filing the initial inventory a supplemental inventory should be filed with the court. By April M. Townsend