How To Get Copies of Your Divorce Records

If you recently went through the divorce process in Bucks County, PA, you should have received a certified copy of your divorce decree signed by a judge shortly after it was finalized. However, you may need to secure additional copies of your decree, either now or sometime in the future.

Learn how to get copies of your divorce records in the Keystone State. Find out how to procure them below.

Why You May Need Copies of Your Divorce Records

Before we discuss how to obtain copies of your divorce documents, let’s briefly touch on why you might need to locate them in the first place.

These documents serve as legal proof of divorce. You may need to have certified copies on hand in many instances throughout your life.

It’s necessary to have them in your possession in any of the following situations:

  • You plan to remarry and have to apply for a new marriage license
  • You apply for government benefits, such as Social Security
  • You seek to remove a former spouse from a property deed
  • Your former spouse isn’t complying with the agreed-upon terms of your decree

How To Secure Copies of Your Divorce Records

When determining how to get copies of your divorce records, you will be happy to hear that you may do it in several ways. Here are your options.

Searching for Them Online

If you want to look up your Bucks County divorce records online, it should be simple enough to find them. Take these steps:

  1. Visit
  2. Utilize the site’s Case Search tool
  3. Look for your records case or party

While this is an effective option for those who wish to peruse through the terms listed in a divorce decree, it isn’t the right choice for those searching for certified copies of divorce records.

Picking Them Up in Person

You can pick up certified copies of your divorce records in person. The Bucks County Court of Common Pleas Family Division retains these records.

You may ask for county clerk and court records by visiting the Office of the Bucks County Prothonotary at the Bucks County Justice Center at 100 North Main Street #2 in Doylestown, PA 18901. This is a reliable way to minimize fees and processing time for records.

Requesting Them by Mail

Additionally, you may request copies of your divorce records by mail through the Office of the Bucks County Prothonotary.

Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to this office along with a check made out to the Prothonotary for $5.75 per decree.

Contact Us To Discover More About Tracking Down Copies of Your Divorce Records

Are you still unsure of how to get copies of your divorce records in Bucks County? Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C.’s divorce attorneys are here to help and can explain your options further. We can also explain the differences between a divorce decree and divorce certificate, as well as between certified and informational copies of divorce decrees.

Call us at (866) 309-3307 today for assistance in Pennsylvania or nearby New Jersey.