Entries by Jennifer Gardella

Divorce and Paying for College

In October 2024, a class action lawsuit was filed against 40 private American universities — including Harvard, Northwestern, and Yale — alleging that they conspired to charge students more tuition than they should have. The lawsuit claimed these institutions did this by asking for and considering the assets of non-custodial parents when calculating financial aid […]

How To Get Copies of Your Divorce Records

If you recently went through the divorce process in Bucks County, PA, you should have received a certified copy of your divorce decree signed by a judge shortly after it was finalized. However, you may need to secure additional copies of your decree, either now or sometime in the future. Learn how to get copies […]

What Do You Do If You Don’t Want a Divorce?

Divorce may feel like a last resort, something you want to avoid at all costs. Just because your spouse seems to have their mind made up doesn’t mean you have followed suit. You may still be hanging on to the last threads of your marriage and hoping to reach a resolution. This is often a […]

Is Your Spouse Snooping on You?

Is your spouse snooping on you? Maybe you caught them surreptitiously handling your phone or noticed they always seem to know when you step outside. If your marriage is under tremendous strain, your spouse has threatened divorce, or you have talked about separating, it is critical that you protect your privacy.   Spying on one’s partner […]

Why We Seal Divorce Documents in Bucks County

By default, divorce court records are available to the public. Thus, theoretically, anyone can browse the record of your divorce proceedings and access the contents of your divorce petition, court orders, asset division decisions, and custody agreements. Although courts often restrict public access to sensitive details like Social Security numbers or minor children’s identities, divorce […]

Should You File for Divorce First?

If your marriage is nearing its end, should you file for divorce first? Does it matter who initiates the divorce process here in Bucks County? It may, but this doesn’t mean you should rush to file when you aren’t ready. An experienced divorce lawyer can help you work out an individually tailored legal strategy for […]

Divorce in the Digital Age

Divorce in the digital age comes with a range of unique challenges compared to just 20 years ago. While your spouse may have physically moved out of the shared home, your online activities and assets remain intermingled. You may be ready to move on from your spouse, yet they continue to use and monitor shared […]

Navigating a High Assets Divorce

Fairly dividing assets and property can be one of the more emotionally and logistically challenging aspects of divorce. But the process becomes even more cumbersome when you and your spouse share significant, complex, high-value assets.  Navigating a high assets divorce involves careful planning and the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney.  Types of Assets To […]