Entries by Jennifer Gardella

What To Expect When Meeting With a CCES Evaluator

If you’ve been ordered to undergo a meeting with a CCES evaluator, you’re probably feeling a bit nervous. What happens during the interview? What kinds of questions will the evaluator ask you? Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. explains the Bucks County CCES meeting process and what to expect during your interview below. What Is CCES? CCES […]

I Don’t Talk to My Kids – Reunification Therapy

Not having a relationship with your children can be heartbreaking. Regardless of the circumstances that led to you and your children not speaking, you can attempt to repair the relationship with reunification therapy. This process could even help you resolve custody disputes and allow you to regain visitation with your kids.  Here’s what you need […]

Child Custody – What Not To Say About Your Ex

Your emotions are probably intense if you’re navigating a heated child custody battle. Saying something negative about your ex may seem like a good idea. After all, couldn’t it show the judge that you should have full custody instead of them?   In reality, saying the wrong thing during a custody battle can hurt your case. […]

College and Divorce: Covering Kids’ Tuition and Other Costs

Just because you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse are ending your marriage doesn’t mean your kids can’t still receive a college education. You should, however, devise a plan regarding college and divorce to ensure your kids can afford to enroll one day. See how to accomplish this goal below. Who Pays College Tuition for Kids Following […]

What Happens After Divorce Papers Are Filed?

Serving divorce papers is typically the first step taken during the divorce process. One party will file for either a no-fault or fault-based divorce through a lawyer. This attorney will put together the proper divorce paperwork and have it served to the other party to start the process. But what happens after divorce papers are […]

Who Pays the Bills During Divorce Proceedings?

Studies have shown that going through a divorce can take a huge physical and mental toll on a person. Divorcees are more likely to have health-related issues including heart issues and depression. A divorce can also present problems for a person’s financial situation, especially if they share joint finances with their soon-to-be ex-spouse. They might […]

Co-parenting and Dangerous Parenting

Co-parenting after splitting up can be challenging even when both sides are well-meaning and cooperative. It’s a lot more difficult when navigating co-parenting and dangerous parenting on your ex-partner’s side.  Courts will always prioritize well-being while protecting children from high-conflict co-parenting. Consider the following when creating a safety plan for co-parenting with a risky ex. […]

Have Wealth and Divorcing? Know the Issues

Wealth and divorce are a combination with a high potential for conflict. Many divorcing couples clash over money, but it can get much worse when the stakes are high and both sides have a lot to lose.  If you hold significant assets, you need a solid strategy for protecting your finances during divorce. You may […]