Entries by Jennifer Gardella

Child Custody and Religious Upbringing

Religion is a contested topic in many divorces, specifically when there are minor children in the picture. When a custody dispute involves religion, the judges in Bucks County, PA will always put the child’s interest first. Who decides on matters of religious upbringing in child custody agreements? How do you approach balancing religious beliefs in […]

Dating During Your Divorce

Your marriage is over, but you’re still dealing with the Bucks County legal process as you finalize your divorce. Can you take the leap and start seeing new people, or should you wait until you’re officially single again? Dating during your divorce is a highly personal choice, but you’ll need to consider the emotional, practical, […]


Co-parenting and Dangerous Parenting

Co-parenting after splitting up can be challenging, even when both sides are well-meaning and cooperative. It’s a lot more difficult to navigate co-parenting when there are signs of dangerous parenting on the side of your ex-partner.  Courts will always prioritize well-being while protecting children from high-conflict co-parenting. Consider the following when creating a safety plan […]

A Brief Guide To Appealing Your Divorce

Imagine this scenario: A judge has ruled on your divorce, and you are unhappy with the decision. Is there anything you can do? In some situations, you may be able to seek a more favorable judgment that allows you to modify the judge’s original decision regarding child custody or support, property distribution, alimony, and debt […]

When To Consider Parallel Parenting

Studies show that children have better outcomes when they are able to spend approximately 50% of their time with each parent. However, this can be difficult in a contentious Bucks County divorce or when two parents have drastically different parenting styles. In these high-conflict situations, parallel parenting can be the recommended solution to ensure that […]

Traveling Abroad With Kids After Divorce

Jetting off to Tokyo or Paris has always been on your bucket list, and now that your ex is in the rearview mirror, you make plans to do just that. Not so fast, though. Traveling abroad with a child post-divorce isn’t something you can do on a whim. You’ll probably need to ask your ex […]


Is Your Divorce Attorney Using AI?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to streamline many rote tasks across virtually any industry. If your divorce attorney mentions that they have begun using AI to aid certain processes, you may initially feel a little wary—and rightfully so. If they aren’t careful, your attorney’s use of AI could negatively impact your case.  Review these considerations […]