Entries by Jennifer Gardella

Traveling Abroad With Kids After Divorce

Jetting off to Tokyo or Paris has always been on your bucket list, and now that your ex is in the rearview mirror, you make plans to do just that. Not so fast, though. Traveling abroad with a child post-divorce isn’t something you can do on a whim. You’ll probably need to ask your ex […]


Is Your Divorce Attorney Using AI?

Artificial intelligence has the potential to streamline many rote tasks across virtually any industry. If your divorce attorney mentions that they have begun using AI to aid certain processes, you may initially feel a little wary—and rightfully so. If they aren’t careful, your attorney’s use of AI could negatively impact your case.  Review these considerations […]

Your Family-Owned Business and Divorce

Married couples tend to mix many elements of their lives: friend groups, finances, and hobbies. Some couples go even further and mix their relationship with their careers by running a business together.  A family-owned business requires unique considerations during a divorce — the two parties aren’t just spouses; they are also business partners. The team […]

How Can You Speed Up Your Bucks County Divorce?

Divorce is a challenging process, both emotionally and legally. Many people wonder how they can speed up the divorce process. The time it takes to get divorced will vary depending on a variety of factors, including whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. Here in Pennsylvania, Act 102 changed the waiting period for a contested […]