Entries by Jennifer Gardella

What is Discovery in a Family Law Case?

Discovery is a critical piece of any divorce here in Bucks County.  Discovery refers to the sharing of information by both parties.  It can be formal (involving court orders) or informal when both attorneys are satisfied that ALL information has been shared. Although there are limits on what must be disclosed, both parties should cooperate […]

Fast Track Your Divorce

If you and your spouse are on the “same page” (or close to it) on getting a divorce and the major issues it involves, you may be able to move the process into the fast lane (though there is a waiting period here in Bucks County). If you are seeking a no-fault (or mutual consent […]

Should Virtual Visitation Be an Option?

How can you still spend time with your child even if you can not physically be with him or her? Virtual visitation may be your solution. These visits with your child can include reading books, playing games, listening to your child practice an instrument and many other activities.   For many of us, work has become […]


What Kids Want Their Divorcing Parents to Know

You may have difficulty with your feelings during your divorce, but your kids may have a more challenging time. Your family is or will be experiencing significant changes. Everyone benefits when kids are prepared for your divorce.  What Do Your Kids Want You to Know?   The University of Missouri has some ideas:  Both parents […]

Can I Get a Divorce if I am Pregnant?

There is no law against getting divorced while you are pregnant. If you are in an abusive relationship and fear your child will be a victim of violence, it may be a reason you want a divorce. If your husband is not the father, it may be why he wants to end the marriage. Additionally, […]

How Can I Legally Change My Name?

If you are going through a divorce, you can legally change your name through the divorce process. There is a separate procedure for name changes that are not divorce-related. As long as you meet the requirements and the paperwork is in order, it should not be a problem. As Part of a Divorce You can […]

Should You Change Your Name After Your Divorce?

If you changed your last name to your husband’s when you married, you might be considering changing it back to your maiden name after your divorce. Depending on your situation, there are pros and cons to a name change.  Fresh Start  Dropping your ex-spouse’s name creates a firm break from your past married life. Taking […]