Entries by Karen Ulmer

How Does the Adoption Process Work in Pennsylvania?

Adoption is almost always a joyful event. Over 100,000 children are legally adopted in the United States every year. A Pennsylvania adoption attorney can explain this state’s own adoption rules to prospective adoptive parents and guide them through the adoption process. Like almost everything else in the law, an adoption is seldom straightforward or simple […]

Counseling During a Divorce

Going through a divorce is one of the toughest experiences a person can have. This is true even when the divorce goes rather smoothly. The reason divorce is so difficult is intimately linked to our emotions. Love is an emotional experience. But it can be hard to maintain a relationship and over time your emotions […]


What Does Closing an Estate Mean?

Closing an estate means that the work of administering the estate is done. This situation is reached only after the estate is properly inventoried, taxes are paid, all debts and other obligations are satisfied, and the remaining assets have been distributed via probate or other methods. Estate executors in Pennsylvania must take one of two […]

How Long Could the Divorce Process Take?

Divorce is a frustrating experience, though actually having a divorce granted is often a great relief. But not every divorce is the same. Some are based on faults, some are based on irreconcilable differences, and others yet are hard-fought battles in order to achieve freedom. If you are considering a divorce, then you already know […]


Can My Husband Make a Will Without My Knowledge?

While many married couples handle their estate planning matters together, they don’t have to. A husband or wife can create a will without the input or even knowledge of their spouse. However, that doesn’t mean that spouses don’t have protections against being written out of the other person’s will or that there aren’t other factors […]

Why Your Date Of Separation Is Important In A Divorce

In Pennsylvania, your date of separation can be a big factor in your divorce. It may help determine how assets and debts are divided, for example. But many people mistake their date of separation for the moment they officially state they want a divorce. Find out more about why your date of separation is important […]

Moving On After Divorce

Recently divorced couples can find it challenging to buy a new home post divorce, simply due to the intertwined nature of most married couples’ finances. If you’re ready to strike out on your own with a new home purchase, there are several factors to keep in mind. Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., can be an asset […]

What is zoning?

Zoning is the way a local municipality controls how property is developed within its borders. The municipality will divide the town into zoning district which describe what the local government has decided what can be built in that area. For example, a residential zoning district would be limited to residential dwellings while a commercial zoning […]