Entries by Karen Ulmer

Proving Cohabitation

Alimony is support paid to an ex-spouse following the divorce decree. The amount of alimony is largely based on the incomes of the parties but may also be affected by the distribution of the other assets, if any. Unless otherwise stated by agreement, alimony may be subsequently modified due the changed circumstances of either party. […]

Steps for Simple, Uncontested Divorce

The procedures outlined below are suitable for an amicable divorce where there are no ancillary issues such as equitable distribution, custody or support. First, a Complaint in Divorce must be filed with the court. This may be your local county court or another county courthouse within the Commonwealth provided you consent to their jurisdiction. The […]

Where Can You Adopt?

The Pennsylvania Adoption Act is fairly liberal in terms of where an adoption can take place. An adoption can take place in any county where the natural parents of the child occur. It may also take place in any county where the child to be adopted resides. Additionally, an action for adoption can be initiated […]


HIPAA is the acronym for the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This Act establishes guidelines on the dissemination of sensitive medical information. It is a federal statute applicable nationwide. There are three main provisions of the Act. First, it seeks to make it easier to maintain health care in terms of transfers […]

How to Rollover Retirement Assets

Retirement assets are often one of the substantial assets in a marital estate. It is possible to do a tax-free rollover of retirement benefits as part of a divorce. First, you will need to know what kind of benefits are involved. Qualified benefits will require a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) to achieve the tax-free […]

Veterans Benefits in Divorce

Former military members may be eligible to receive a number of different veterans benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Possible benefits include disability compensation, pension benefits, life insurance, educational benefits and more. Veterans benefits cannot be divided as an asset in a divorce case. This is due to the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ […]

Hague Convention Implications

Enforcement of an international custody order is addressed by the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Signatories to the Hague Convention are required to immediately return children if taken or retained in violation of a custody order. All countries who are parties to the Hague Convention must establish a “Central Authority.” […]

Child Support Awareness Month

August is National Child Support Awareness Month. August has been dedicated to child support awareness since 1995 when President Clinton began it as part of his welfare reform agenda. The purpose of raising awareness is to improve the collection of child support payments. The preferred method of collection is wage garnishment. There is also information […]

Changing School Districts?

Custody refers to both physical custody, which is the schedule parties follow, as well as legal custody, which is who makes important decisions for the child(ren). Often times parties will share legal custody meaning they need to communicate, and ideally agree, on major decisions impacting healthcare, religion and education. Which school district a child goes […]

Lump Sum Alimony

Alimony is support paid to an ex-spouse following the divorce decree. The amount of alimony is largely based on the incomes of the parties but may also be affected by the distribution of the other assets, if any. Unless otherwise stated by agreement, alimony may be subsequently modified due the changed circumstances of either party. […]