Tag Archive for: child custody battle

Your emotions are probably intense if you’re navigating a heated child custody battle. Saying something negative about your ex may seem like a good idea. After all, couldn’t it show the judge that you should have full custody instead of them?  

In reality, saying the wrong thing during a custody battle can hurt your case. It can also place more stress on your children during an already tumultuous process. Our Bucks County, PA child custody attorneys provide a few tips on what not to say or do during a child custody battle. 

Don’t Say Negative Words About Your Ex to Your Children

Your children are at the heart of your custody battle. It can be tempting to involve them in your arguments by slandering your ex in front of them. 

Maybe you want to vent to your kids about how rude your ex is. It’s much better to vent to a friend or an attorney than to involve your children. 

Kids become confused easily and don’t need to know the details of your dispute with your spouse. If the judge hears you were complaining about your ex to your kids, they may believe you were trying to alienate them, which could affect your co-parenting agreement and visitation rights. 

Don’t Tell Your Children What Your Ex Did

Did your ex cheat on you? Steal money from your joint accounts? Lie about their behavior? Tell it to the court — not your children. On the rare chance your child is called to testify, a judge will not look favorably on your tattling about your ex to your kids. Your custody battle is already stressful enough for your children without you encouraging them to choose sides or lose trust in their other parent. 

Don’t Tell Lies About Your Ex

You may be tempted to make up lies about your ex in court to prove poor parental conduct. Maybe you believe your ex would be neglectful of your child, but you don’t have any proof of them acting that way, so you decide to make up a story about how they forgot to pick your child up from school. 

If a judge finds out you lied in court, it could have devastating consequences for your child custody case.  

Don’t Be Rude or Disrespectful 

While tensions run high during child custody battles, avoid being rude or disrespectful to anyone involved in your case. Unkind words to your spouse can make their way to the judge’s ears and hurt your case.

You especially need to watch what you say in court. Judges make decisions in the child’s best interest, and if they see you acting immaturely or aggressively, they’ll consider your behavior when finalizing the court orders. 

Contact Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for Guidance Through Your Custody Battle

Knowing what to say and what not to say during a child custody dispute can be challenging. Allow experienced and compassionate divorce attorney Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., to guide you. Contact us today at (866) 349-4721 to schedule a confidential consultation.