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Following filing a child custody case, the court has limited information about the case, which often leaves parents feeling confused and unsettled. A judge’s knowledge only extends as far as the custody disagreement. It then becomes the court’s responsibility to thoroughly review all case-related information to determine the proper course of action. They accomplish this task with the assistance of court-assigned experts. These court appointees serve different roles and administer three types of evaluations: custody, psychological, and parental fitness.

The Role of Experts in Administering Evaluations

Input from experts who serve as critical evaluators in child custody cases helps the court navigate the case’s complexities. These valuable professionals include psychologists and counselors; they are responsible for determining which parent is suitable as the child’s primary custodian. In addition, they also make recommendations regarding which parent should have the right to make decisions and whether the judge should award joint custody.

Three Types of Evaluations

Three types of evaluations administered by court-appointed experts are critical in child custody cases.

1. Custody Evaluations

In child custody evaluations, court-appointed experts address the parents’ child-rearing capabilities, as noted by the American Psychological Association (APA). When psychologists work alongside other mental health professionals, like counselors, the counselors often serve as mediators. Next, the psychologists administer psychological testing to both parents so the court can determine each parent’s child-rearing style. The tests assess both parents’ temperaments, character, and cognitive abilities. The purpose of the testing process is to determine whether the parents are psychologically competent to foster the child’s continued growth and development. 

2. Psychological Evaluations

During a child custody case, psychological evaluations are also essential tools; they help court experts determine undiagnosed mental health issues and other problems that might impact the legal outcome. Psychological evaluations give the court insight into whether the parent is mentally fit enough to care for the child. If the mental issues are severe, these parents are typically not awarded custody.

3. Parental Fitness Evaluations

In rare cases, experts recommend parental fitness evaluations to assist the court in determining whether a parent-child relationship is appropriate. These evaluations are typical in situations involving child abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse. In these cases, expert witnesses help decide what the child needs. For example, following a parental fitness evaluation, the court-appointed psychologist determines whether a parent should be allowed supervised visitation with their child.

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. Can Help

Each child custody expert is essential in cases where parents are at odds over who should care for their children. Using thorough evaluations, they provide unbiased testimonies to help the court make informed decisions. Ultimately, their work assists the judge in determining the familial arrangement that best serves the child’s interests.

If you have questions about your child custody case, contact Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. today. Our experienced team of attorneys is highly qualified to walk you through the complexities of your legal casework to support your child’s well-being. Call or text us at (866) 349-4117. You can also book a free consultation by filling out our online form.

If you are involved in a custody dispute, there may be at least one child custody evaluation. It is a psychological assessment involving the parents’ living conditions, family dynamics, mental health problems, and other relevant concerns to recommend what is in your child’s best interests.  

Court-ordered evaluations are usually performed if the parents disagree on custody. If one is done fairly and competently, its recommendation may push the parties to settle on terms consistent with its findings. 

Who Will be Interviewed? 

Court-ordered custody evaluations are established by Pennsylvania and New Jersey court rules. The parties can also commission their investigation. A custody evaluator should interview: 

  • The child 
  • The parents 
  • Other people residing in their homes  

They may also speak to teachers or counselors at school and review relevant medical or psychological treatment records. 

What Will be the Basis of the Evaluator’s Findings?  

The evaluator will consider: 

  • The facts 
  • Their understanding of the parties and the situation 
  • The parents’ views 

The ultimate purpose of the assessment is to determine what custody arrangement is in the child’s best interest. The evaluator will consider the factors the court will use when making a decision, including: 

  • The parents’ stability 
  • The child’s relationship with them 
  • A parent’s drug or alcohol abuse 
  • A parent’s physical, mental, and emotional health 
  • A parent’s willingness to encourage their child to continue their relationship with the other parent 

A custody evaluation could take months and cost several thousand dollars. If the parties cannot agree on who will pay for an assessment ordered by the court, a judge may decide for them. 

How Should I Prepare for the Evaluation? 

You, your child, and any other family members interviewed should not see an evaluation as an invasion of privacy or a burden. It is an opportunity to tell your side of the story and address any concerns the other parent has raised. 

There will be a visit to your home, so put yourself in the evaluator’s shoes. What would you look for? Your home should be clean and neat. Any obvious defects or problems with your home should be repaired. Mow your lawn. Dress neatly and comfortably. 

You are not going to court, but you are not going to the gym, either. 

What Should I Say to the Evaluator? 

To be most effective, those interviewed (especially your child) should be open and honest. You will not be considered credible if you are overly critical of the other parent, appear biased, and are found not to be telling the truth. 

You can maximize your ability to tell your story by: 

  • Discussing your child’s parenting history, including both parents’ strengths and weaknesses.
  • Talking about your child, their interests, needs, and any difficulties they have had. 
  • Addressing how your child has changed since you and the other parent separated or the event, if any, that created a perceived need for the evaluation.

You are best served by focusing on your child’s best interests and managing your emotions. Balance stating your legitimate concerns about the other parent while not bad mouthing or bashing them. You should also avoid playing an amateur psychologist by diagnosing them with a condition you think they suffer from. 

What Happens to the Report? 

The findings, including a recommendation, will be in a confidential report to the court that you and your attorney can read. If either party objects to the report, the evaluator can be cross-examined at a trial. If your case does not settle, the judge will probably rely on a court-ordered evaluation when issuing a ruling, but they should be open to fair criticism and legitimate assessments, if any, paid for by the parties. 

Child Custody Attorneys You Can Trust 

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. attorneys are skilled in developing the evidence that judges need to make child custody decisions. We will work with you to build a persuasive case to achieve your goals and protect your rights. If you have questions about custody issues or need legal representation, call us at (215) 752-6200 today.

If you and your child’s other parent cannot agree on a custody and visitation plan here in Bucks County, a judge may order a child custody evaluation. It involves a mental health expert, usually a psychologist, who will evaluate your family and recommend a custody/visitation or parenting plan to the court. It is not something to fear, but you should understand and prepare for it.  

What is a Child Custody Evaluation? 

After gathering and evaluating information about your family, the evaluator will recommend a plan to the parents and the court. The parties may have evaluations done; the court will order one with an evaluator of their choice, or both. 

Ideally, you and your ex-spouse will use the recommendation to reach an agreement. If not, the judge can use the evaluation and other evidence to write a custody/visitation order for your family.  

What is the Evaluation Process? 

Not all evaluators use the same process, but there are certain things you should expect in your evaluation. They include: 

  • Two to three interviews with each parent 
  • At least two interviews with each child 
  • Observations of the children with each parent 
  • A review of court filings and other written information 
  • Contact with other sources (therapists, pediatricians, teachers, daycare staff) 
  • A written report recommending custody/visitation rights and schedules addressing the significant concerns raised by the parties 
  • Possible psychological testing or questionnaires about your emotional functioning or parenting style 
  • A visit to each parent’s home 

Be cooperative and facilitate the evaluation the best you can. 

What Should I Tell My Children About This? 

If they do not already know, you should tell your child that there are conflicts between the parents and that they have different views about how much time each should spend with the children. The evaluator is involved to learn more about the family, help them reach a resolution, and suggest ways they can be better parents.  

You should reassure your child that both parents love them and that they will both be part of their lives. You should also tell your kids to bring up any concerns they have, ask questions, and honestly answer those posed by the evaluator. 

How Should I Approach the Evaluation? 

We will discuss it before the evaluation takes place and prepare you for it. You should ask us any questions you have. The evaluator wants to understand your family, its dynamics, and relationships. You should relax as much as possible and be honest. Your job is to talk about yourself and describe the situation as it pertains to what is in your child’s best interests, not to put on a show for the evaluator. 

Be open and honest. If asked, do not be afraid to say negative things about yourself or your parenting skills. But put your situation in context. Tell the evaluator what you learned and how it helped you be a better parent. 

Be open and honest about the other parent. If you just criticize them, the evaluator will not think you are being honest or credible. It is best to be truthful, even if that includes saying positive things about the other parent.  

If things about them concern you, say why, and discuss specific incidents or occurrences that support your feelings. Just accusing the other parent of being too angry or controlling without anything to back it up will not help you. To the best of your memory, give specific reasons why you have certain fears or feelings about the other parent, given that the outcome should reflect your child’s best interests. 

Get the Help You Need From an Attorney You Can Trust

If you are considering a divorce or filing for custody of your child, call our office at (215) 608-1867. A custody evaluation may be part of the process. We will explain it, help you through it, and use the recommendations to help you achieve your goals. We can speak over the phone, via a teleconference, or meet in our Doylestown or Langhorne offices.