Tag Archive for: equitable distribution

Fairly dividing assets and property can be one of the more emotionally and logistically challenging aspects of divorce. But the process becomes even more cumbersome when you and your spouse share significant, complex, high-value assets. 

Navigating a high assets divorce involves careful planning and the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney. 

Types of Assets To Consider in Your Divorce

When the average couple divorces, they may need to consider how they will split the family home, bank accounts, and shared vehicles. However, dividing assets in a high assets divorce adds another layer of complexity. You and your spouse may also need to divide any of the following:

  • Stocks and stock options
  • Complex investment portfolios
  • Vacation homes
  • Income properties
  • Delayed compensation, such as 401(k) plans, pension plans, stock plans, restricted stock units (RSUs)
  • Businesses

One of the first steps in the asset distribution process involves creating an inventory of all assets, both separate and marital. For items without clear value, such as artwork or jewelry, seek asset valuation to determine their worth. 

Understanding Pennsylvania’s Equitable Distribution Policy 

Pennsylvania, along with 41 other states, follows an equitable distribution policy for divorce. Rather than splitting assets exactly down the middle, the court attempts to divide marital assets in a method that would be reasonably fair. Many factors may impact how the court decides to divide your property, such as:

  • The length of the marriage
  • The age and overall health of both spouses
  • Any prenuptial agreements
  • Previous marriages
  • Child custody arrangements
  • The amount of marital and non-marital assets
  • The amount of debts 

Pennsylvania’s Marital Property Classification 

In Pennsylvania, all property acquired by either spouse during the marriage is considered marital property and subject to equitable distribution. Marital property also includes any increase in the value of non-marital property. 

Non-marital property includes assets acquired before the marriage and property excluded through a valid agreement of both parties. 

Avoiding Pitfalls in a High Assets Divorce

Be aware of a few potential pitfalls within your high assets divorce. 

First, you may face tax implications if you do not split assets according to equitable distribution procedures. These might include:

  • Capital gains taxes
  • Gift taxes
  • Penalties from early retirement account withdrawals

Financial professional involvement is key to reducing your tax burden when transferring assets. This is especially important for high-net-worth divorces involving complex assets and problems like business ownership division. 

Additionally, be wary of your spouse potentially hiding money or assets during the divorce process. Assets can easily become lost or overlooked in high-net-worth divorces. Do your due diligence to thoroughly inventory all property, accounts, and other assets, and alert your attorney if you think your spouse is hiding assets. 

Consult Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for High Assets Divorce

If you need help effectively navigating a high assets divorce in Pennsylvania, Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., is here for you. Our compassionate, knowledgeable attorneys have helped countless high-net-worth clients protect their assets and avoid financial complications during divorce. 

Contact us today at (866) 311-6082 to schedule a confidential consultation. 

A properly drafted, enforceable prenuptial agreement may greatly reduce, if not prevent, disputes concerning the equitable distribution of marital property if a married couple divorces. Making such an agreement before you marry is not a sign your marriage is doomed. It only means you are smart and preparing for a life-changing event that may or may not happen, especially if one or both of you own a company. 

If you own a business, do not have a prenup, and the business grows, your spouse would be entitled to half of that growth upon your divorce. You could be forced to give up other assets, pay your spouse over time, or, in the worst-case scenario, close the business. However, a well-crafted prenup can protect you and your business.  

What Is Equitable Distribution? 

Part of the divorce process is the equitable division of marital property. The couple’s assets and debts are organized, and their values are estimated. The parties must decide which are separate or personal and belong to the individual and which are marital (normally property acquired during the marriage) and belong to the couple, or a court will do it for them. 

Marital property is subject to fair or equitable division during a divorce. The increased value of separate property could also be divided depending on the circumstances. The parties can agree to this, or it will be resolved at a trial. 

What Is a Prenuptial Agreement? 

What is a prenup? A prenuptial or antenuptial agreement is a contract entered into before marriage. The parties can agree on which assets and debts are personal and which are marital and identify them accordingly. The agreement should include how marital assets and debts will be divided, possibly preventing disputes during a potential divorce.  

Why Is a Prenuptial Agreement a Good Idea? 

Just creating the document can be beneficial. The two of you need to think about your financial lives and assets and your duties and rights during and after your marriage. These agreements may be particularly helpful if one or both parties have significant assets before the marriage, a well-paying job, or a business. One or both parties may feel more at ease if they know what will happen financially if the marriage ends in divorce, and the outcome will be fair and mutually agreed upon. 

If one or both spouses start a business during the marriage and it is not mentioned in the agreement, who ends up owning what can be determined by a contract made during the marriage (a postnuptial agreement), by amending the prenup, through negotiations during a divorce, or at a trial. The issue can also be part of a business ownership agreement covering what will happen if you divorce. 

What Effect Does Business Ownership Have on Equitable Distribution Without a Prenuptial Agreement? 

Consider what would happen if a marriage ends in divorce and one or both spouses own a business but there is no ownership, prenuptial, or postnuptial agreement. One spouse could argue it would be fair and equitable that they should get part ownership (if they do not already have it) and make the case for how much that should be (whether they own part or not.) The outcome would depend on how actively the spouse aided the business and what sacrifices they made so it could be a success, including contributing personal funds, working for the company, or sacrificing their career to help it. 

The fate of family-owned businesses can be a highly charged divorce issue. A prenuptial or other type of agreement would spell out how this would be handled and should prevent these types of conflicts from erupting. 

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., Can Help You With a Prenuptial Agreement 

Contact us if you have questions about a prenuptial agreement, want one created, or think you are being forced to sign one. For a confidential discussion with a Doylestown premarital agreements attorney at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., call (215) 752-6200 or email us. We can meet in our Doylestown or Langhorne office or speak with you by phone.

Divorce in New Jersey and Pennsylvania involves the equitable division of marital assets. If one spouse wants to keep more than their fair share, they may resort to hiding assets. This not only goes against family law and court procedures but, depending on the circumstances, could lead to criminal charges. So, how do you know if your spouse is hiding assets from you?  

We see the best and worst in divorces. Some couples understand they are no longer a good match. They amicably and respectfully work with each other and go their separate ways. On the other end of the spectrum are those who see divorce as a battlefield where rules don’t apply to them, and they will do all they can to come out ahead. These are the people who hide assets. 

What is Marital Property? 

Marital property includes the property either spouse acquires during the marriage or with funds earned during the marriage. It also consists of the increased value of non-marital or personal property up to separation. It is not always clear when an asset is marital because couples may mix personal and marital assets during the marriage. 

What is the Equitable Distribution of Marital Property? 

Part of ending a marriage is equitably, or fairly, dividing marital property and debts. This does not mean assets will be evenly split. Usually, part of negotiating this issue will involve alimony payments. One spouse may be willing to get fewer assets in exchange for higher alimony or vice versa. Pennsylvania statute spells out several factors to be considered when dividing marital property.  

Why Would a Spouse Hide Marital Property? 

The spouse may try to keep as many assets as possible by misclassifying marital property as personal or hiding assets, so the other spouse does not know about them.  

How Could a Spouse Hide Marital Property? 

Their efforts are only limited by the spouse’s imagination. It is easier to do if the spouse owns a business, the couple has a lot of assets, or the spouse manages the family’s financial matters. Some common ways to shield assets include: 

  • A spouse may try to move cash from personal to business accounts if they own a business. The spouse may try to delay large contracts until the divorce is complete. The company may create “ghost” employees who do not exist or bogus expenses or asset purchases. What would appear to be a business expense is transferring money into bank accounts controlled by the spouse. A business could also make a fake loan to an entity that is just a front for the spouse. 
  • Money and other assets could be transferred to family or friends.
  • A spouse may set up investment accounts and buy stocks or other investments in their name only and not tell their spouse. 
  • Physical assets like cars, artwork, or jewelry may be undervalued. If the other spouse accepts these estimates as accurate during the negotiation and the person keeps them, they are getting more value than they deserve. 

If your spouse has lied to you about other aspects of their life, the fact they are hiding property should not be a surprise. 

How Can We Find Hidden Marital Property? 

If you have worked on as many divorce cases as we have, you develop an awareness of how a less-than-honest spouse may operate. Hiring a forensic accountant can be a good investment if your finances are complex or a business is involved. 

Our most important information source is you. You can tell us about your family’s income, assets, and family-owned business. You can supply us with copies of documents establishing your family’s assets and your tax returns. 

During conversations with your spouse or while negotiating a divorce settlement, you need to tell us if what we are told does not make sense. There is no point in dealing with a spouse acting in bad faith. 

After the divorce complaint is filed, we can request information and documents from your spouse and their business. We can ask them questions during a deposition. Information and documents we obtain could be sent to an accountant for analysis. 

Are There Penalties for Hiding Assets? 

If a spouse is violating court rules and orders, a judge could take action in response. They may order the offending spouse to pay a larger share of their assets than if they acted honestly and order that they pay for our investigation and attorney time spent uncovering hidden assets. 

The police could get involved if your spouse went so far as to commit crimes like forgery. If a spouse secretly makes money “off the books” without paying taxes, state and federal taxing agencies might be interested. 

If you have any questions about equitable division or believe your spouse is hiding assets, please contact us here at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. We can discuss this and how we can help you through the divorce process.  

With divorce comes the equitable (or fair) division of marital property (property acquired during the marriage). Generally, assets owned by a spouse’s parent are not considered marital property, so your spouse should not have a valid claim to them. But this is divorce law, so there are possible exceptions that may make your case complicated. 

How Would Equitable Division Impact Past Trust Payments or Gifts? 

Clarifying which property is marital and what is not is spelled out in Pennsylvania statute (35 Pa.C.S.A. §3501(a)). Under the law, generally, property that is a gift from your parents, directly or through a trust fund, would not be marital property as long as you treat it as separate, personal property:  

  • Non-marital property: You put it in a bank account with your name, your spouse cannot access it, and you spend it for personal reasons. You buy yourself a car with it or spend it on furnishing your home office. 
  • Marital property: It is in a joint account, used to purchase marital assets or to pay ordinary marital expenses. 

Also not marital property is money you manage for your parents. If you are spending it to benefit them and your spouse has no access and it has not been used for marital purposes, that property belongs to your parents.  

How Would Alimony Impact Future Trust Payments or Gifts? 

The property you receive after your marriage ends is not marital. A spouse cannot have a claim on a future inheritance, trust fund payments, or gifts from parents you have not received yet as marital property. However, if your spouse is awarded alimony, you may need this future income to pay it. 

If you used commingled past trust fund payments and gifts and paid joint living expenses and property with it, they helped you establish your standard of living. If your spouse seeks spousal support or alimony and you agree to it, or a judge orders it if there is no agreement, one of seventeen factors is the standard of living the two of you established during your marriage.  

The fact that you improved your standard of living during your marriage by commingling trust payments and marital income may end up aiding your spouse’s argument that alimony should be paid. You may spend future trust fund payments on alimony, so indirectly, your spouse may end up with part of those future payments. 

Another alimony factor is the “expectancies and inheritances of the parties.” Alimony amounts can change in the future if there are “changed circumstances of either party of a substantial and continuing nature whereupon the order may be modified, suspended, terminated or reinstituted or a new order made.”  

A future inheritance is not marital property, but if you receive an inheritance so large that your circumstances have changed in a “substantial and continuing nature,” your ex-spouse could ask a court to obtain alimony or increase payments after that happens. Like trust payments, though a future inheritance is not marital property to be divided, your spouse may get some of it through increased alimony payments. 

On the flip side, if you receive alimony and after your divorce get the benefit of sizable trust fund payments, gifts, or an inheritance from a parent, your ex-spouse may ask a court that their alimony payments be reduced or ended because you no longer need financial support given this extra income you have received. 

Equitable Distribution and Alimony Issues Can Get Complicated. Let Us Unravel Them for You.

Contact Karen Ann Ulmer, PC, today if you are considering getting divorced and have questions or have decided it is right for you and need legal representation. Call us at (215) 752-6200 or fill out our online contact form

Equity in a home may be a married couple’s biggest asset. Before deciding what to do with the marital home in a divorce, you must find out how much that equity is and what the home would probably sell for if it was put on the market. Get professional help for this task. There is too much at stake to try to come up with some figures after a couple of hours of internet research. 

Why Does This Matter? 

The assets and debts of married couples are equitably divided in Pennsylvania divorce proceedings. If the couple has a house and a mortgage, who gets what is an essential part of the process. That starts with determining the home’s value and how much equity each party has.  

The home is usually a significant component of the overall agreement of how assets and debts are divided. If the parties cannot agree, assets and debts can be divided by a judge after a trial. This is the most time and resource-consuming way to resolve the issue, which is why it is the route of last resort if the parties cannot agree. 

This does not matter if the house is not marital property subject to division. It may have been owned by one spouse before marriage, though the other spouse may make a claim to its increase in value since the marriage began.  

The parties may also have a premarital or prenuptial agreement spelling out who will get the home in case there is a divorce or a formula to determine an amount. A prenup may also spell out the amount that one needs to pay to buy out the other’s interest. 

Another option is selling the house. After the mortgage, liens, taxes, and costs are paid, the profit left over is part of the cash the two of you will divide. 

What is Home Equity? 

Appraised Value – (Balance of Mortgages + Liens) = Home Equity 

The higher the appraised value and the lower the balances for your mortgage and liens (if you have any), the more home equity you have. The two of you should agree on a professional appraiser to determine the appraised value. Each of you could hire your own, and the result may or may not differ, but no matter the outcome, the cost is double that of just hiring one. 

Avoid a do-it-yourself appraisal. Unless you are a trained professional, you do not know what you are doing. Properties you think are comparable may not be, and you may miss properties that genuinely are similar. This approach could cost you far more than the money you save by not hiring an appraiser. If you are buying out your spouse, you may come up with an inaccurate value that is too high, or if you are the one receiving money or other assets, your figure may be too low. 

The spouse buying out the other should hire a home inspector. That extra pair of educated eyes could find hidden problems impacting the value. It is better to learn about them sooner than later. 

How Will I Pay to Purchase My Spouse’s Interest in the House? 

There are different options. If none are feasible, you will not be able to buy your spouse out. As much as you may want to keep the house, if you can not afford it, you must move on. 

The simplest way is to pay cash, but not many people have that much in reserve. You could refinance the mortgage, but interest rates are up, and qualifying may be difficult. You would pay off the existing mortgage balance through the refinance and use the equity to pay the other spouse. If your application is accepted, your monthly payment may be more than what you pay now. 

Another option might be that the other party will accept payments over time, and the property title changes after the last one is made. This will require a written contract, and both sides will want to protect their interests if, in the future, the paying party cannot afford full payments or complete the deal within the specified time frame. 

Because all marital assets are subject to equitable division, one way to buy out your spouse is to transfer or give up your claims to other assets. Read our blog article I Want to Buy My Spouse Out of the House for more information.

If you have any questions about what will happen with your home after a divorce or need legal representation, please contact us here at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. We can discuss how this may play out and how we can help you through the process. 

If you and your spouse are divorcing and you own a home, you have some options. If you want the property, you will need to pay your spouse for their equity share. One way to accomplish this is to trade assets or property as part of the divorce process.  

Splitting up your debts, assets, and possessions fairly and equitably will be part of your divorce. It can be very contentious, but ideally, the parties should consider this a business transaction. The two of you will start a new personal life, and to accomplish that, you will need to split your financial lives in a way you can both accept. 

You can reach a resolution or litigate the issue and have the judge decide. If that is where the case ends up, you will give up controlling the outcome, which will cost you more time, energy, and money.  

How Can I Make This Work? 

If you prefer to live in your marital home, you will need to pay your spouse for their ownership interest. 

Often during divorces, the spouses agree and disagree on a mix of assets. You could offer your spouse something that is clearly yours and give up your rights to assets that are contested. Consider the following scenarios: 

  • The two of you have $100,000 in home equity. To buy out your spouse’s $50,000 share, you could give up your $50,000 interest in a joint investment account or a 401k. 
  • You are claiming spousal support. You may give it up or reduce it in exchange for your spouse’s home equity.

Ideally, your spouse will be open to swapping assets to cover their home equity, and it will be enough to cover the whole amount. If that is not the case, you could pursue a cash-out finance but keep in mind the following:

  • You would refinance your mortgage, but in your name only. 
  • This is only an option if you qualify for the loan and can afford the new monthly payments, which will probably be higher than what the two of you now pay. You are also subject to the going loan rates, which are going up and down. 
  • If you are the sole owner, you must also be able to afford all the other costs that come with home ownership, such as taxes, utilities, maintenance, repairs, and insurance. 
  • The refinance gives you access to the home equity, which you can use to pay your spouse.

Given the number of divorces, this is nothing new for mortgage companies. However, if this is your first divorce, it is new to you. Refinancing a mortgage during a divorce will probably involve substantial potential financial liability, so this should not be decided upon quickly without advice from an attorney. 

What Could Be My Plan B? 

As much as you want the house, depending on your post-divorce income and assets, buying out your spouse could make you house-rich and money-poor. You may end up with not enough money to go anywhere or do anything, and being one major house repair away from living on credit cards. Your spouse could buy you out, or the two of you could sell the house and split the profit. The money you receive could be your down payment on a more affordable house.  

Who Will Own Your House is Just One of Many Issues 

If you are considering getting divorced and concerned about where you’ll live afterward, contact us here at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., so we can answer your questions and discuss how we can help you.   

Distributing assets as part of a divorce can be highly contentious. Emotions are often connected to objects and property. One party may not be able to bear the thought of not having something, or worse, the spouse getting it. Who gets what is best handled like every other divorce dispute: as calmly, professionally, and reasonably as possible. However, too often, that’s easier said than done. 

If you have highly valuable assets, like investments, art, automobiles, or real estate, the process is more complex because their value, which can be disputed, must be determined. You also need to determine the tax impact on a party obtaining an asset. The higher and more complex your income, the more difficult this may be. 

But the same laws about property division will cover you and your spouse whether you have a million or a thousand dollars in the bank, a vacation home in Hawaii, or a ten-year-old camper trailer.  

What’s at Stake? 

Marital property is subject to division, nonmarital property is not. Generally, marital property is acquired by either party during the marriage. It also covers the increased value of nonmarital property. Clarification of which property is what is spelled out in Pennsylvania statute (35 Pa.C.S.A. §3501(a)). In divorces with high-end assets, the stakes are greater when deciding which category applies to property. 

How Would Assets Be Divided? 

Under state statute (35 Pa.C.S.A. §3502(a)), the general rule is that if one or both parties request it, the judge will: 

“…equitably divide, distribute or assign, in kind or otherwise, the marital property between the parties without regard to marital misconduct in such percentages and in such manner as the court deems just after considering all relevant factors. The court may consider each marital asset or group of assets independently and apply a different percentage to each marital asset or group of assets.” 

The relevant factors include: 

  • How long the marriage lasted 
  • Whether either party was married before 
  • The health, age, “station,” source and amount of income, job skills, employability, liabilities, and needs of the parties
  • Whether one party contributed to the training, education, or improved earning power of the other  
  • Each party’s opportunity for acquiring capital assets and income in the future 
  • The parties’ sources of income, including different insurance policies and other benefits 
  • Each party’s role in the acquisition, preservation, depreciation, or appreciation of the property, including a party’s contribution as a homemaker 
  • The standard of living developed during the marriage 
  • The parties’ economic circumstances when the property is divided  
  • The tax impact of distributing or dividing an asset  
  • The cost of selling, transferring, or liquidating an asset  
  • Whether a party will be the custodian of a dependent minor child 

Some of these factors may be critical for you, while others won’t matter. Each case is unique. 

Negotiation is Usually Better Than Litigation 

Like all divorce issues, if you can’t reach an agreement the issue can be litigated, and the court will decide. Negotiation, and failing that – mediation, gives you some control over how the assets are handled. You give that up when the judge makes the decision. 

Negotiation of asset division is often linked with other issues like paying or receiving alimony. You may give up your claims to some assets in exchange for higher alimony or a greater share of liquid assets. For instance, if you choose to walk away from a valuable asset, perhaps your spouse will now pay the entire amount of the cost of your kids’ private and college educations, instead of splitting the cost. 

Selling an asset may be better than a drawn-out tug of war, especially if it has appreciated over time. Starting your life over may be more difficult when your assets are tied up emotionally with your spouse. Maybe taking the money and running are better ways to begin again. 

If you’re thinking about or plan to divorce your spouse, asset division is one of many things you must consider. Contact us here at Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., so we can answer your questions and discuss how we can help you. 

When couples begin the divorce process, all assets and liabilities need to be listed and valued in order to determine division between the spouses. Negotiation often involves one spouse being given certain assets in exchange for other assets of the same value – and greater need or emotional attachment are values along with cost that can be weighed in the negotiation process.

If a couple can settle out of court with the help of qualified divorce lawyers to ensure a fair and satisfying distribution between both parties, the couple maintains control over their own assets and their own preferences. However, if they cannot come to an agreement, the divorce must go to court and the division of assets is put into the hands of a judge.

Pennsylvania is an Equitable Distribution state, which means the judge does not necessarily divide property 50/50 but rather in a manner that seems fair. Therefore, when determining who gets what, including the vehicles, the judge will consider many factors.

Was the car owned and paid for completely before marriage by one spouse? It is almost assured that the owner will be awarded the car. Was the car purchased after marriage, but it’s in one spouse’s name and that spouse’s money was used to pay for the car or the loans? Chances are very likely that this spouse will receive the car, although other factors could come into play.

Who has greater need for the car? If there is only one car, who needs it to commute to work because there are no public transportation options available? If there are multiple cars, who needs the van to take the kids to school, or who needs the newer car for a long and difficult commute? All these individual factors weigh into the judge’s decision.

The car’s value is also taken into consideration. If the family has two vehicles and one is worth significantly more than the other, the judge will likely award the cars based on need, circumstances, and payment history, but may also award additional compensation to the spouse receiving the car with less value in order to balance the asset division.

If a car is awarded to you in a divorce settlement, be sure to change the title and owner immediately to yourself. If a balance is owed on a loan, the loan should be restructured or refinanced to have only your name on it.

Your divorce attorney will walk you through the many intricacies and details involved in the divorce process and starting over. Reach out to us here at Ulmer Law to see how we can help you.

In Pennsylvania, if a divorcing couple cannot come to an agreement outside of court, all marital assets will be divided according to equitable distribution, which means, effectively, whatever the court thinks is appropriate after considering a number of factors. As long as both parties are reasonable, we encourage divorcing couples to avoid court so they can retain control of the division of their marital assets.

This is true for all assets, including vacation property. Even if the property was given to one spouse exclusively or purchased exclusively with one spouse’s income, and no family money was ever used to pay for its mortgage or upkeep, such property may be considered marital and will factor into the division of assets. Whether your divorce goes to court or not, you will probably have to decide what is to become of your vacation property.

Appraise the asset

Before you decide what to do with the property, you need to get an accurate appraisal of its market value. Also important is a complete listing of all costs associated with owning and maintaining the property: mortgage, interest, taxes, utilities, repairs, landscaping, and more.

With this clear, factual foundation, you can begin to evaluate the course of action that will best benefit the two of you and any children you have.

Decide your best option

Selling the property might be the easiest choice, allowing you to divide the funds received between you. It can be emotionally difficult to let go of a place where you may have created fond memories, but consider your need for liquid assets and the simplification of the process, which are important advantages to this option.

If you and your spouse are on reasonably good terms, you could choose to keep the property and divide its use. This is advantageous if children are involved, since they would still have the familiar vacation home to go to, providing them with much-needed security and continuity. But be sure to create a written document, signed by both of you, that will clearly delineate the times and seasons each will be using the home, the expenses each of you will be responsible for paying, and the dates those payments must be made. Your lawyer will be able to create a comprehensive document that will ensure that you both get good use out of the house without increasing tension.

You may also decide that one partner gets the family home and the other gets the vacation home. The complication here is in the valuation of each residence. If one house is worth significantly less, the spouse with the less expensive house can negotiate additional assets or benefits in order to balance the value of the two properties. However, if that house also has much lower expenses, the spouse with the more expensive home should insist that this benefit be factored into the negotiations.

 What about timeshares?

Treat a timeshare in the same manner you would treat a vacation home or vacation yacht or any other additional asset. First, get it appraised so you know what it is worth. Then, negotiate.

Get help

A seasoned divorce attorney can help you through all the nuanced legal and financial issues involved in divorce because we have helped many people through the process. Contact us here at Ulmer Law to see how we can help you, too.

When most people think of property, they think only of assets, but debts are also considered property for the purpose of a divorce settlement. In order to divide assets and debts between the spouses, a thorough listing and determination of status is needed. That status can be marital, non-marital, or a combination of the two.

If the couple cannot decide on the division of property, a judge will do so. Pennsylvania and New Jersey are Equitable Distribution states, which means the judge divides the marital property based on what he or she considers fair. The criteria can include earnings of each spouse, length of marriage, health of the spouses, and minor children.

Marital Property – Marital property will be the bulk of your property. A partial list includes:


  • Assets acquired or debts incurred during the marriage
  • Gifts from one spouse to the other
  • Benefits from retirement accounts, pension, insurance plans, etc.
  • Benefits from reward programs, such as frequent flyers, etc.
  • Electronic online storage or entertainment (iCloud, iTunes, Netflix, etc.)

A recent blog provides a list of shared accounts to include when listing your assets.

Non-Marital Property – The list of possible non-marital property is short. It includes:


  • Assets acquired or debts incurred prior to the marriage
  • Inheritance
  • Gifts received from someone other than the spouse
  • Assets (or liabilities) with a written agreement clearly stating the property is non-marital

When Non-Marital Can Also Be Marital Property

Things are not always as they seem, and just because a spouse had property before marriage doesn’t mean it will remain entirely non-marital property. Here are just a few possible scenarios for each of the types of non-marital property:


  • Asset: If one spouse owned the house or a business before marriage, but both spouses worked to pay off the mortgage or grow the business, a portion of the value of the house or business would be considered marital property.
  • Debt: If one spouse incurred student loans before marriage, but the education led to a lucrative job that benefited both spouses, a portion of the debt could be considered marital property.
  • Inheritance or gift: If an inheritance or gift was used to upgrade the family home or purchase property that would generate income for the family, the clear intention was to treat the inheritance as a marital asset.

How to Protect Non-Marital Property

If you want to protect your non-marital property, you can arrange a prenuptial agreement. Such agreements can also be drawn up after marriage, designating specific assets or liabilities that both parties wish to be considered non-marital. These agreements can be challenged if subsequent use of the property suggests marital use, as described above, but the challenging party would have to provide a very strong case to overturn a written agreement.

Division of marital property is best resolved with a professional who is experienced in helping couples come to equitable and amicable agreements. Such an agreement will avoid giving a judge the power to decide for you.