Tag Archive for: PA divorce attorney

Going through a Bucks County divorce may feel like you are completely upending your life. If you are a stay-at-home parent or a low-income-earning spouse, or you simply rely on your partner for financial support, the thought of separating may feel immensely scary. 

How do you protect your money during a divorce? How will you financially recover? Strategic planning with the help of the right divorce attorney can allow you to navigate this process as smoothly as possible. 

What Will Happen to Your Money in a Divorce? 

Before you can start protecting your money, you need to understand what is at stake. In Pennsylvania, the court distinguishes between marital vs. non-marital property. Marital property includes anything you or your spouse acquired during the marriage or any assets that increased in value during this time.

Marital property is subject to an equitable distribution of assets, meaning the court would attempt to divide these items fairly between you. If you have any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements in place, these may play into the distribution process. Asset protection trusts can also prevent certain accounts from being divided. 

Tips To Protect Your Money as a Low-Income-Earning Spouse or Stay-at-Home Parent 

If you are a low-income-earner, the court will take this into account when determining what assets and funds to leave you with in the divorce. Still, you may have trouble moving forward independently. The following tips can help you protect your money during divorce and plan your financial future:

  • Build financial independence: Start looking for ways to build income and untangle your finances from your spouse’s.
  • Start investigating employment that includes healthcare: If you were previously a stay-at-home parent, you’ll likely need to gain some form of employment now. A job that includes healthcare can make up for your loss of access to your spouse’s benefits. 
  • Gain a clear sense of your financial situation: Examine your shared bank accounts, investments, and other assets and estimate that you may receive around half of these in the divorce. 
  • Begin working on your post-divorce budget: With your anticipated income in mind, create a budget where you set aside 50% of your earnings to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to investment. This will help you estimate how much you can afford on expenses like housing, groceries, bills, and a vehicle. 
  • Talk to your mortgage broker: You may want to keep the family home, especially if your kids will live primarily with you. But be sure to talk to your mortgage broker about whether this is financially sustainable with one income. 
  • Avoid pre-paying bills with shared money: While it is tempting, don’t take income from your shared accounts to pre-pay bills or buy items in bulk. This could lead to issues with hidden assets and forensic accounting. 

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., is here to help you protect your money during a divorce. We can explain the tax implications of divorce settlements, advise on strategic practices to build financial independence, and protect your right to equitable distribution. Contact us today at (866) 309-3307 for a general consultation. 

Divorce in the digital age comes with a range of unique challenges compared to just 20 years ago. While your spouse may have physically moved out of the shared home, your online activities and assets remain intermingled.

You may be ready to move on from your spouse, yet they continue to use and monitor shared online accounts. Worse, you may be unaware of their behavior.

The right strategies can help protect your assets, privacy, and peace of mind. 

Change Passwords As Soon As Possible

You and your spouse probably learned each other’s passwords during the marriage. Even if you do not think your spouse knows your login information for online accounts, change all passwords as soon as possible. This prevents them from logging into accounts without your knowledge — or worse, stealing assets from financial accounts. 

Check all accounts for suspicious activity and change passwords promptly: 

  • Bank accounts
  • Social media accounts
  • Email accounts
  • Credit card accounts

Scan Your Computer for Keylogger Software

Online privacy protection proves crucial in a volatile divorce. Scan your devices for keylogger software, which could tell your spouse your new passwords and clue them into other sensitive information. Antivirus software can help you identify keyloggers. 

Additionally, clear your browsing history regularly in case your spouse gains access to your activity. 

Be Aware of Pennsylvania’s Digital Asset Division Protocols

Divorce in the digital age also requires you to separate digital assets. Any digital assets you and/or your spouse acquired during the marriage will be subject to equitable distribution, according to Pennsylvania’s marital property classification. These may include:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Investment accounts
  • Online subscriptions (Netflix, Spotify, etc.)
  • Domain names
  • Assets owned in digital format (books, movies, music, TV shows, video games etc.) 
  • Online businesses

You may need to seek a cryptocurrency valuation or consult a professional to understand the value of certain digital assets. 

Digital photos and videos are part of the shared assets you and your spouse need to deal with during the divorce. In the meantime, turn off auto storage on photo apps to prevent new photos from uploading into a shared account. Your spouse could use photos as electronic evidence against you in the divorce. 

Create a New Email Address

One of the easiest digital security measures to take is creating a new email address to link to all important accounts — including social media. If your spouse still has access to your previous email account, they can use it to enter sensitive online accounts. Change your email and turn on two-factor authentication to further protect your online privacy.

Be Vigilant About Tracking Devices 

Finally, watch out for your spouse’s use of tracking devices such as Air Tags to follow your movements. Using these devices to stalk others is illegal, but you need to find them before any legal action can occur. 

Turn to Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for Divorce Assistance

A seasoned divorce attorney can help you navigate the complexities of divorce in the digital age while protecting your rights and privacy. Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., is here for you; contact us today at (866) 311-6082 for a confidential consultation. 

Going through a divorce is stressful for so many reasons. From figuring out how to divide marital assets to coming up with child custody agreements, divorcing couples face their fair share of stressors.

The stress doesn’t end once a divorce is final, either. Filing taxes after a divorce can create a new wave of stress and make you wonder, “Is this ever going to end?”

Discover more about this process to minimize your stress levels.

Choosing the Right Filing Status

When filing taxes after a divorce, one of the first things you must do is select your filing status. It can throw you for a loop immediately.

If you have finalized a divorce, you might automatically assume you should file taxes as a single person or a head of household if you qualify. However, this is only sometimes the case.

Your filing status on the last day of the previous year determines your status. So, if you were still legally married on December 31 of last year, you’ll have to set your filing status as:

  • Married filing jointly
  • Married filing separately

You might also be able to file as a head of household if you meet specific requirements.

Ideally, you and your ex-spouse should have a plan for filing taxes following your divorce if you must file them together. Include this plan in your divorce agreement to avoid miscommunications.

You should also remember to use the Internal Revenue Service’s Tax Withholding Estimator to change the amount of money you withhold from your paychecks to cover taxes. This will account for taxable income adjustments when filing taxes after a divorce.

Claiming Dependents Properly

When you and your former partner were married, you could both claim the children you share as dependents. Once you’re divorced, this isn’t an option.

In your divorce agreement, you and your ex hopefully decided who is going to claim each child for tax purposes. Sometimes the parent who has primary custody of the children will claim them as dependents, giving them access to the Child Tax Credit. In other instances, parents create complicated schedules that switch year to year, or sometimes, in cases of multiple children, each parent claims a child (or two). Whatever you decide, you must follow your agreements.  

In some rare instances, divorced parents might qualify for dependency exemptions that allow them both to claim children when filing taxes. Speak with a tax professional if this is a possibility.

Taking Other Factors Into Account

A couple will go their separate ways at the end of a divorce, but before doing so, they will divide their marital assets and iron out issues like child support and alimony. One spouse might also be required to provide a portion of their retirement plan balance to the other spouse under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO).

In these cases, child support and alimony tax implications are usually present. Property division taxation issues might also pop up. Those who receive payments under a QDRO might also face substantial tax bills.

Enlist the services of a reputable divorce attorney to help you make sense of a stressful situation.

Still Confused About Filing Taxes After a Divorce? Give Us a Call

Filing taxes after a divorce might make you relive the stress of separating from your ex-spouse. If you have questions about proceeding, don’t hesitate to call Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for assistance.

Contact us at (866) 311-6082 today.

After coming to terms with a divorce, the next part of the process is the negotiation stage. You may find yourself preparing mentally by asking questions as you try to determine a proper course of action. One critical part of this process is the initial filing. If you’re wondering, “Should I file or negotiate first?” you’re not alone. This question looms over many divorcees as they anticipate how the process will play out. Considering the psychological and legal ramifications will help you understand the advantages of filing first. 

You’ve Reached an Agreement, Now What?

If you’ve reached an agreement with your spouse, congratulations. You’ve arrived at the first step of the divorce process: filing the divorce petition. So, should you file or negotiate first? There are myriad psychological benefits to consider. The planning stages provide you with a strong foundation to move forward with purpose. You may also experience an immediate surge of confidence when you file first. Taking this huge step in your divorce proceedings is liberating and can strengthen your resolve. 

The phrase, “strike while the iron’s hot,” rings true when considering the benefits of filing first. This decision is an important part of your strategy, allowing you to take matters into your own hands and proceed with fortitude and determination. In this case, your opponent is your spouse, and like a good game of chess, catching them off guard will only serve to your advantage. After all, you’ve already prepped with careful planning, making certain your financial and other legal concerns are in order. You’ve likely spoken with a qualified alimony attorney to help you understand the mediation process. Throughout your divorce proceedings, your attorney will help you properly negotiate to your benefit, giving you an even greater edge.

The next consideration for whether or not you should file first is thinking about the opportunity it will give you to fortify your assets. You and your partner’s shared assets must be legally separated, including all physical assets and joint personal finances. In this instance, seeking legal advice ahead of the filing will help you protect yourself and adequately set you up financially for life after divorce. 

Why You Should Consider Filing First

Now that you’ve pondered, “Should I file or negotiate first?” the decision depends on your unique situation. Preparing for this critical step by conferring with legal counsel will help you navigate the timing, present you with options, and prepare you for your next stage in life. When you take the step to file first, you’re making a power move. By taking control of the process before your spouse does, you may secure benefits that you might not gain otherwise.

Book a Consultation Today

A consultation with Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., can help you protect your rights and determine an appropriate course of action if you’re questioning whether you should file or negotiate first. Our team of family practice attorneys serves Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We’re dedicated to providing solutions to our clients. Book your free consultation today, or contact us at (866) 349-4117.

After going through a divorce, friends and family routinely ask if you’re “relieved” that the process is over. You might smile and nod, wanting to be agreeable. However, the truth for many people is that “divorce grief” is real and very present for a long time after the fact.

This is your reminder: it’s perfectly normal to feel emotions similar to mourning and loss after your divorce becomes final. 

Read on to learn more about healing from a divorce and how it may look for you.

Why You May Feel Grief After Divorce

Even though you may feel initial relief at ending a stressful marriage, sadness often turns into grief soon after signing the paperwork. First and foremost, understand that strong feelings are normal. After all, you’ve lost something in the divorce. 

Almost nobody marries with the expectation of divorcing years later. Some common feelings people contemplate at this time include:

  • Losing the hopes and dreams you had for your marriage together 
  • Recognizing your life with your spouse is forever altered
  • Being fearful of the future
  • Worrying about losing time with your children. 

During this period of divorce grief, some ex-spouses may even regret divorcing. All these feelings are normal and part of the process of moving on.

What Triggers “Divorce Grief?”

When you are grieving, a sudden swell of emotions can catch you off guard. You might walk past a restaurant you both loved in happier times and feel overwhelming sadness. You might see your spouse enjoying time with the children and feel a great sense of loss.

Even something as simple as sorting and keeping divorce papers can spark feelings of grief, so keep track of these triggers. Friends or family can support you as you meet tough situations and work through hard feelings.

How Long Does the Grief Last After a Divorce?

According to Psychology Today, the grieving process after your divorce lacks a specific timeline. Everyone reacts differently, from a few weeks of grieving to several months or years after the breakup. Being honest with yourself about your emotions is a key step in moving forward, so give yourself time to process all your emotions, including grief. 

One of the ways to move forward is creating new memories and experiences, whether it’s trying a new restaurant or volunteering your time at a new organization. Friends and family naturally will check on you and support you in the first few weeks after a divorce. Don’t let them drift away if you need more help processing your grief – ask for help and support for as long as you need it!

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., Supports You Legally and Emotionally in Your Divorce

It’s important to realize that your emotional recovery is important after the separation and divorce. It requires an adjustment on your part to move forward with your life. The stress of the divorce process needs time to work through and settle.

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., can help legally during your divorce proceedings and chat with you about dealing with “divorce grief” constructively. Call us today for a confidential consultation at (866) 349-4461.

People go through a variety of big emotions during the divorce process. Although anger is a common emotion, it shouldn’t solely drive your reasons for seeking divorce.

Are you angrily filing for divorce right now to seek revenge? Read on to learn why that approach may end up being costly for you.

Harming Your Chance of a Fair Financial Settlement

If you are filing for divorce to gain revenge on your spouse, will it affect your financial settlement? Almost certainly, yes.

Pennsylvania divorce laws don’t specifically call for penalties against a spouse engaging in spiteful behavior. However, a judge could treat your claims for alimony with more scrutiny if revenge is in focus. When letting anger guide your actions, someone might choose to fight every suggestion for mediation a spouse makes, and while it’s their right to use litigation to try to receive a fair settlement, it wastes everybody’s valuable time.

You may believe you’re harming your spouse by refusing to participate in mediation. In reality, you’re harming your own position more. Typically, participating in mediation goes faster and costs you less in legal fees in the long run.

Costing You More Than Just Money

If you have children and mutual friends, trying to gain revenge on a spouse through the divorce process can be extremely stressful for these other parties. They may feel like they’re stuck in the middle of a tug-of-war that makes little sense from the outside. When you have clouded judgment because you’re focused on revenge, you may not be able to see: 

  • How you’re affecting your children’s well-being
  • How you’re manipulating your children or loved ones without even realizing it

Some friends will be able to see through the actions you’re taking if you are focusing on revenge. What if they side with your spouse when you are clearly being spiteful and unfair during the divorce proceedings?

We’re only human. If you are going through the divorce proceedings with anger and revenge as your primary driving factors, you may also lose control of your emotions more easily. With the temptation to do almost anything to avenge your failed relationship, ethical behavior may feel like a gray area – and that’s always risky in the divorce process.

If a judge learns that you are lying about your spouse’s actions, you could open yourself up to legal problems and lawsuits. It’s best to sit back and let your divorce attorney do the talking.

Let Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., Help You Navigate the Divorce Process Calmly

Did your spouse cheat on you, lie to your face, or betray your trust in some way? You have every right to be angry, but using revenge as your reason for filing for divorce doesn’t help your case in court.

Take a deep breath, and have a confidential discussion with Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., before you file for divorce. It’s important to go through your divorce process for the right reasons. To learn more about affording a divorce or what to expect, call (866) 349-4117 today.

Your divorce decree exists for a reason. It provides tangible evidence of the terms your spouse agreed to in the divorce. 

You may be tempted to give your spouse wiggle room when it comes to alimony payments, child support, or asset distribution. However, straying from the divorce decree may only hurt your financial outcomes and encourage more shady behavior from your spouse moving forward. 

Is a Divorce Decree Legally Binding? 

Your divorce decree is the legal document that marks the end of your marriage. It also spells out important details about child custody, spousal support, asset division, and visitation guidelines. 

Divorce decrees aren’t mere suggestions for how to behave after a divorce; they are legally binding. Your ex-spouse is required to follow these rules to a T. If you start giving them leeway now, they will only continue taking advantage of you. Worse, the court will assume that you were okay with their behavior, harming your ability to file a motion for contempt of court in the future.  

Once your divorce is finalized, go to the family court clerk’s office and request a certified copy of your divorce decree. Keep it on hand and ensure your spouse’s adherence to every term. 

Enforce the Elements of Your Divorce Decree Precisely

Ensure that your ex-spouse follows all of these aspects of your final judgment closely:

  • Sends alimony and/or child support payments on time according to the timeline in the decree
  • Adheres to all custody times precisely
  • Divides assets in accordance with the decree
  • Sells the house promptly

What If Your Spouse Refuses To Follow This Court Order? 

Your ex-spouse cannot simply refuse to follow the terms of your divorce decree. If they disagree with any of these terms, they will need to request a modification with the court. This is a legal process. 

If you do not agree with their modification request, they will need to present their reasoning in court and allow a judge to decide whether to grant it. Unless your ex-spouse’s requests are reasonable, the judge probably won’t grant their wishes.

Should your ex-spouse violate the divorce decree and not seek a modification, you can file a motion for contempt of court or request an enforcement action. This prompts the court to assess their actions and intervene. If your ex-spouse is found in contempt of court, the court can: 

  • Impose fines
  • Issue a warning
  • Create a new order that makes up for their non-compliance
  • Order your ex-spouse to comply by paying the support they owe, plus attorney’s fees
  • Impose jail time

Your first step should be to have your attorney contact your ex-spouse’s attorney and warn them about your intention to file for contempt of court. 

Contact Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., for Divorce Assistance 

Do you need help enforcing your divorce decree? Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., offers compassionate legal support throughout the divorce process. We can help you file a motion for contempt of court or request an enforcement action to prompt your ex-spouse to adhere to your divorce decree. 

Contact us today at (866) 349-4117 for a confidential consultation. 

One of the more challenging steps in the divorce process is separating your finances from your spouse’s. Nearly every divorcing couple in Bucks County experiences some tension around the division of assets. However, some individuals exhibit abusive behaviors that make this process more arduous. 

Knowing what constitutes financial abuse can help you recognize and address these financial problems in a divorce. You have the right to equitable distribution of property. If your spouse has begun stealing money from your accounts or otherwise tampering with your finances, contact an experienced divorce attorney for help. 

Examples of Financial Abuse in a Divorce

Financial abuse can take many forms in a divorce process. Watch out for any of these shady tactics from your spouse: 

  • Hidden assets: Your spouse may have started transferring money to a private account to exclude it from the property division process, essentially stealing it from your shared account.
  • Running up legal bills: They may use your shared bank account to run up legal bills or even call your attorney incessantly to increase your legal costs.
  • Using a higher income as leverage: If your spouse makes more money than you, they may try to hold that over you to gain leverage in the divorce.
  • Racking up debt: The debt allocation process usually requires divorcing couples to split debt equitably. Your spouse may rack up more debt before the divorce to increase your financial burden. 
  • Wrecking your credit: Any irresponsible behaviors on your spouse’s part could harm your credit, making it more challenging for you to secure loans or other financial opportunities in the future.

How To Navigate Financial Problems in a Divorce

You don’t have to stand by and watch your spouse use abusive tactics to control your finances. You can navigate financial problems in a divorce with these tips:

  • Retain your own attorney: Never share a divorce attorney with your spouse. Retain an attorney who can support your interests and help you achieve a fair outcome. 
  • Limit bank account access: If your spouse currently has access to your private accounts, contact your bank immediately to start the process of removing their access. 
  • Keep records of your spouse’s behavior: If your spouse has been withdrawing money from your accounts, take screenshots of their activity and keep them on file. The more evidence you have of their actions, the more leverage you’ll gain in your divorce proceedings. 
  • Document your finances: Gather documentation for all of your bank accounts, deeds, life insurance policies, and car titles to show in court.  
  • Enlist the help of a forensic accountant: Forensic accounting can uncover your spouse’s abusive financial activity. 

Let Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., Help You Protect Your Finances in a Divorce

Is your spouse using shady tactics to gain economic control in your divorce? At Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., we help clients protect their rights in the PA divorce process. We make it easier to navigate the division of assets, spousal maintenance, and other financial problems in a divorce while promoting an equitable outcome and prioritizing your interests. 

Contact us today at (866) 349-4117 for a general consultation. 

Divorcing your spouse raises many questions about how you will handle future tasks involved in raising your child. One important question you need to consider now is: “How will we handle paying for our child’s college education?”

Some states have laws requiring parents to contribute to payments for higher education. Learn how these laws affect your PA divorce and other considerations you should discuss now. 

Does Pennsylvania Require Divorcing Parents To Pay for Their Child’s College?

Twenty-four states across the U.S. — including New Jersey and New York — have laws about parents financially contributing to a child’s higher education, but Pennsylvania is not one of them. This means that in a divorce, neither parent will have a legal obligation to pay for or contribute to a child’s college education. Instead, you’ll look to your divorce agreement to determine how to approach this matter. 

You and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse have the right to determine how you will split future financial endeavors involving your shared children. If you cannot agree on these issues, a judge may help you decide when creating your parenting plan. It’s always better to work out an agreement on your own or with an attorney instead of letting a judge decide for you. 

Creating a Parenting Plan That Includes College Tuition 

When you work with an experienced Pennsylvania divorce attorney, they can help you create a reasonable parenting plan that covers how you and your spouse will handle financial contributions for college. This agreement must hold up long into the future, which can be challenging. You’ll need to be as specific as possible to avoid confusion and disagreements down the line.

Be sure to discuss all of the following when creating your parenting plan: 

  • Type of school (private or state)
  • Textbooks, room and board, and other expenses
  • University vs. trade school

What If You Don’t Discuss College in the Parenting Plan? 

If your child is only a few years old at the time of your PA divorce, their college education may be the furthest thought from your mind. So, what happens if you fail to address this matter in your parenting plan? 

You and your child’s other parent can attempt to reach an agreement privately about how you will split college expenses, but this may not be wise. It’s better to create a written agreement and sign it in the presence of a notary. 

You can modify your parenting plan by filing a motion with the court. The court can intervene if both parents do not consent to the modification.

Remember that child support obligations only extend until a child turns 18 in Pennsylvania. You may decide to purposefully leave college out of your parenting plan and agree that your child will pay for their own college. Whatever you do, discuss it now to avoid headaches later on. 

Seek Assistance With PA Divorce Agreements From Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. 

Do you need help drafting a divorce agreement, understanding equitable distribution in a divorce, or determining the custodial parent? Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., offers compassionate legal support through your entire divorce. Call (866) 349-4117 for a confidential consultation.

Divorce attorneys must be very careful to avoid conflicts of interest when representing clients. Unfortunately, angry spouses in a divorce case sometimes use this issue to their advantage, effectively barring their spouse from working with an attorney with whom they have already shared their side of the story. 

Learn why you may “conflict out” in a divorce case and how to proceed when your spouse uses this tactic against you. 

What Does It Mean To “Conflict Out?” 

“Conflicting out” is a tactic used to prevent a person from working with an attorney. When you call a divorce attorney’s office to inquire about hiring them, they will conduct a conflict check to ensure they have not had a conversation with your spouse. 

Sometimes, in heated divorces, one spouse will call every divorce attorney in the area and set up a consultation with them. Even your spouse speaking with an attorney briefly about your divorce can bar you from working with them. Suddenly, you cannot work with attorneys in your area due to a conflict of interest. 

Types of Conflicts That May Prevent You From Working With an Attorney 

Many conflicts of interest can lead to disqualification in legal cases. Attorneys take confidentiality obligations seriously as part of their prospective client rules. If there is any barrier to confidentiality in your case, they won’t work with you. 

Any of the following may also be a reason to conflict out:

  • Your children know the attorney’s children 
  • Your spouse has been divorced before, and this attorney represented them
  • Your attorney has a personal interest that interferes with their ability to represent you fairly
  • Your attorney is concerned about any other “materially adverse interests” 

Under an attorney’s rules of professional conduct, they will not accept any clients that may violate the confidential attorney-client relationship. This is why attorneys complete an initial conflict check process before you sign a retainer agreement.

What To Do If Your Spouse Has “Conflicted Out” Your Preferred Attorney 

If you are concerned that your soon-to-be-ex-spouse will attempt to conflict you out, explain why this would not be wise. Preventing you from seeking good legal counsel will only prolong your divorce case. If you both have access to strong attorneys, you can finalize the divorce faster and move on with your lives. 

But if your spouse has already used this tactic with an attorney you were interested in hiring, document their behavior. You won’t be able to work with your preferred attorney, but the attorney you end up with can use your spouse’s behavior to your advantage during the divorce. This may give you a leg up during the property division or child custody process. 

The attorney you were hoping to work with can recommend other divorce attorneys in your area.

Schedule a Consultation With Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., Today 

Knowing why you may “conflict out” when hiring a divorce attorney can help you prepare for your spouse’s tactics. Contact Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., today at (866) 349-4461 for help protecting your rights during the divorce.