Co-parenting after splitting up can be challenging even when both sides are well-meaning and cooperative. It’s a lot more difficult when navigating co-parenting and dangerous parenting on your ex-partner’s side. 

Courts will always prioritize well-being while protecting children from high-conflict co-parenting. Consider the following when creating a safety plan for co-parenting with a risky ex.

What If You’re Concerned for Your Child’s Safety When They’re With Your Ex?

As a rule, family law courts believe it’s in the child’s best interests to spend time with both parents. However, some signs might tell you that your ex is unsafe for your kids.

Certain things your children do or say after spending time with the other parent could make you believe it’s dangerous for them to stay with your ex unsupervised. In this scenario, stay vigilant and consult a custody lawyer who knows how to navigate co-parenting and dangerous parenting.

Red Flags of Dangerous Co-Parenting Behavior

If your child comes back from their other parent with bruises or other signs of physical harm or tells you that your ex has abused them, you’ll want to take immediate action. However, not all abuse is obvious, especially if your child is too young to describe what happened.

Neglect and lack of supervision are also a form of abuse. For example, maybe your child often returns underfed or dirty from your ex’s house, or you discover that your ex neglects to ensure they take their prescription medications. You may also suspect your co-parent lets your child engage in risky or age-inappropriate activities without supervision. 

Finally, you may feel concerned about your ex-partner’s unaddressed problem of alcohol or substance abuse in the context of co-parenting.

You Must Still Obey Court Orders

While courts focus on prioritizing child safety in co-parenting plans, they expect you to comply with the proper procedures and present solid proof of your co-parent’s risky behavior. 

A seasoned lawyer can help you look into legal options for limiting contact with a dangerous parent. However, you can’t simply withhold parenting time based on suspicion. You could get into serious trouble, and the court may reduce your parenting time.

Document Each Incident of Potentially Dangerous Co-Parenting Behavior

Did your child tell you their other parent pushed, shoved, or slapped them? Write it down and date it. Did your ex-partner send you a text message or voicemail admitting they let the children stay outside until late unsupervised, despite your insistence not to? Save this message.

Keep a personal record of all your ex-partner’s actions that are abusive or could potentially endanger your kids. Then, consult a family lawyer for reliable advice on keeping your children safe.

Dealing With an Unsafe Co-Parent? Call Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. 

Do you believe your ex is an unsafe co-parent? The skilled divorce and custody lawyers of Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., can help you handle co-parenting and dangerous parenting, including co-parenting with a narcissist or abusive ex. Call us at (866) 349-4907 or schedule a consultation online.

Wealth and divorce are a combination with a high potential for conflict. Many divorcing couples clash over money, but it can get much worse when the stakes are high and both sides have a lot to lose. 

If you hold significant assets, you need a solid strategy for protecting your finances during divorce. You may want to look into the following high-net-worth divorce considerations. 

Separate vs. Marital Property

Generally, all the assets you gain during marriage, including real estate, businesses, IRAs, and other investments, count as marital property and are subject to division during divorce. In contrast, assets you acquired before your marriage and kept separately, as well as inheritances, gifts, and some settlements and benefits, are separate property and aren’t part of the marital estate.

In addition, you and/or your spouse may hold assets you defined as separate in a prenuptial agreement. Spousal support and prenuptial agreements are another issue to consider as you prepare for divorce.

Hidden Assets

Having wealth and divorcing also means you should keep an eye on your assets to ensure your spouse isn’t trying to conceal property. For example, as soon as your spouse understands the marriage is over, they may start siphoning money from your joint accounts into an offshore trust. 

Pay attention to red flags like inexplicable cash withdrawals or transfers, incomplete financial records, or a sudden decrease in your spouse’s income. If you suspect your spouse is concealing assets, your next step should be finding qualified divorce lawyers for wealth management.

Tax Implications

You’ll also need to consider the tax implications of high-asset divorces. For example, if you retain real property as part of your asset division, from now on, you’ll be solely responsible for property taxes and rent taxes if it’s investment property.

Divorce-related property transfers are generally tax-free. However, you must maintain careful records of any transfers because you need to note the cost basis for capital gains tax on any property you sell after divorce.

Businesses, Intellectual Property, and Patents

Property division becomes even more complicated if you run a business or hold intellectual property jointly with your spouse. You may need to decide what to do with your joint venture, like selling the business and splitting the proceeds. Alternatively, one of you may buy out the other’s share.

Patents and other intellectual property are also part of the marital estate if acquired during the marriage. This means that if one spouse holds a trademark or patent, the other may be entitled to some of the profits from the intellectual property and awards from infringement lawsuits.

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C.: Protecting Your Wealth During Divorce in PA and NJ

Are you divorcing and wondering what to do about personal wealth? You need a legal professional to protect your financial interests and peace of mind.

The skilled lawyers of Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C. can guide you through the division of assets in a complex divorce and help you reach a fair agreement. Call (866) 349-4907 or schedule a consultation online

Religion is a contested topic in many divorces, specifically when there are minor children in the picture. When a custody dispute involves religion, the judges in Bucks County, PA will always put the child’s interest first.

Who decides on matters of religious upbringing in child custody agreements? How do you approach balancing religious beliefs in co-parenting? Let’s talk about religion and how it impacts child custody. 

Can My Spouse Stop Me From Raising My Kids in My Faith?

Religious freedom is a constitutional right; generally, a parent’s religion won’t sway courts when deciding on custody arrangements. However, there may be exceptions if a parent’s religious practices cause direct harm to a child.

If Bob, who is Christian, divorces Karen, who is Jewish, he probably won’t be able to stop Karen from taking the kids to the synagogue on the High Holy Days. Similarly, Karen can’t stop Bob from attending Christmas service with the children while they spend the holidays with him. 

However, courts will also consider the status quo beyond child custody and freedom of religion. For example, if Bob and Karen’s children previously attended Hebrew school, Bob probably wouldn’t be able to pull them out after the divorce if Karen wants them to remain enrolled.

In discussing religion and how it impacts child custody, it’s important to distinguish between physical and legal custody. Parents typically share legal custody equally, regardless of who has the larger share of physical custody.

Thus, even if the children spend more time with one parent, the other parent has an equal say in the children’s religious upbringing. However, if one parent has sole legal custody, they’ll be responsible for all the major decisions in raising the child, including religious education. 

Don’t Weaponize Religion 

Whatever you do, never use religion to undermine your co-parent or alienate your children from them. You should always show your children that you respect their other parent’s religious beliefs.

For example, it isn’t acceptable to engage in emotional blackmail to pressure a child into religious practices (“I won’t consider you my child anymore if you refuse to go to church with me”). Comments like “Your mom is going to hell because she walked out of our faith” are also extremely hurtful and traumatizing for children.

Make a Parenting Plan

Respecting religious differences in child custody cases makes life much easier for both sides. We encourage you to sit down with your co-parent and negotiate a parenting plan that suits everyone, especially for sensitive times like holidays. A professional mediator can help bridge your differences if you can’t work out a plan on your own.

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C.: Helping You Navigate Custody and Parenting Plans in PA and NJ

Are you unsure about how your child custody arrangement will impact the religious upbringing of your children? Contact our law firm for reliable counsel on protecting your rights in divorce. We can also help you reduce stress and conflict by collaborative mediation for religious disputes in child custody.  

Call us at (866) 349-4907 or book a consultation online.

Your marriage is over, but you’re still dealing with the Bucks County legal process as you finalize your divorce. Can you take the leap and start seeing new people, or should you wait until you’re officially single again?

Dating during your divorce is a highly personal choice, but you’ll need to consider the emotional, practical, and legal implications of dating post-separation. The following tips will help with navigating dating while divorcing.

Your Spouse Could Get Upset and Delay Divorce

Even though your relationship has ended, your ex may become resentful if they learn you’re dating someone new. This is especially true if you initiated the divorce. Your ex may suspect you broke up with them for your new romantic partner’s sake and even drag your name through the mud in front of family and friends.

Moreover, Pennsylvania recognizes adultery as grounds for a fault-based divorce. If you start dating during your divorce and your spouse decides to fight you in court, support payments could be put in jeopardy. Your ex could also complicate your life on purpose and back out of decisions you’ve already agreed on, like property division or a parenting plan.

Don’t Involve Your New Significant Other

Keep in mind the emotional considerations of dating during divorce. Finding healthy relationships post-divorce is a challenge for many. Even if you feel ready to date, you may still carry mental baggage from your past relationship, often without being aware of it.

You may need time (and possibly therapy) to leave negative relationship patterns behind and rebuild your life with someone new. If you decide to start dating before your divorce is final, avoid involving your new partner in the divorce process, conflicts with your ex, or negotiations over property division, custody, or child support.

Don’t Introduce the Kids Too Soon

When asking, “Is it too early to date after divorce?” consider how your love life may affect your kids. Divorce can be a painful transition for children, especially if they’re too young to understand what’s going on. Introducing a new partner too soon can make the situation even more confusing.

Besides, your children might tell the other parent about your new romantic partner. This could be a problem if you want to keep your new relationship private. It could heighten tensions, which is the last thing you need during a divorce.

Protecting children when dating after divorce should be a top priority. Let some time pass before introducing your new significant other to your kids. Do so only once you’re convinced they’re a safe and emotionally healthy person who is going to become a part of your life long-term.

Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C.: Helping You Navigate Divorce in PA and NJ

Should you consider dating during your divorce? Do you have other questions about the divorce process? At Karen Ann Ulmer, P.C., we help you minimize stress and protect your interests as you transition into this new chapter of your life. 

Call (866) 349-4907 or book a consultation online for reliable legal advice about divorce in Pennsylvania or New Jersey.