Entries by Karen Ulmer

Medicaid Planning

Medicaid is a need-based health care program. It is a federal program that is administered on a state level. Elderly persons needing long-term care often try to utilize Medicaid to assist with the expenses. Appropriate estate planning can assist in this regard. Since Medicaid is for low-income individuals, there are limits on the amount of […]

Protection from Sexual Violence and/or Intimidation

Pennsylvania’s Protection from Sexual Violence and/or Intimidation Act (PSVI) became effective July 2015. The Act allows victims to obtain a civil no-contact order for up to three (3) years. Adults and minors can petition for an Order on the basis of sexual violence. Only minors may obtain an Order on the basis of intimidation provided […]

Additions to Support Award

Pennsylvania utilizes support guidelines to determine the appropriate amount of basic support in each case. The Rules of Civil Procedure also contemplate other expenses that can be added to a support calculation. Child care expenses as needed to allow for employment can be added to the support award. The total amount of child care expenses […]

Changes to Income

Once a support order is established each party is under a continuing obligation to notify the court of any changes income, employer or employment status. Changes income may impact the support order under the guidelines as the amount of support varies based on the income bracket the parties fall into. A reduction income does not […]

Income for Support

Each party’s monthly income is evaluated for the purposes of determining an appropriate support order. Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure dictate that each party’s monthly gross income based on at least a six-month window should be ascertained first. For purposes of support gross income includes all wages or salary, bonuses, commissions, business income, rental property […]

Support Guidelines

Pennsylvania utilizes support guidelines to determine the appropriate amount of support in each case. The initial step is to determine the net monthly income of the parties and who will be receiving the support. There is a rebuttable presumption that the amount of support as dictated by the guidelines is correct. In order to overcome […]

Dealing with Emotions of Your Divorce

When you move through your divorce you may feel as if your entire life is being turned upside down.  This upheaval can lead to emotional fallout that appears overwhelming to handle.  If you do not want to get divorced this can be even harder to comprehend and start to manage.  When we work with clients, […]


After Your Divorce, Make These Changes Immediately

The process of getting divorced can be hard to move through.  When you are finally divorced you will probably want a break from making decisions and taking care of legal matters.  However, it is crucial to immediately update a few important areas of your life including your will, life insurance beneficiaries, and other estate planning […]

Inventory of Probate Assets

An inventory must be filed with the court in administering an estate. The inventory should identify all probate assets of the decedent at the time of death. This may require some investigation by the executor. A good starting point is to monitor the decedent’s mail for evidence of statements for accounts. In an increasingly electronic […]

Probate Assets

Not every asset owned by a party at the time of death will be subject to the probate process or pass under the direction of the will. Probate assets are those for which there is no pre-existing designation as to who should get the asset. Examples of typical assets that will be subject to probate […]